Diet Overlap

Etmopterus pusillus (Smooth lanternshark)
Gadus morhua (rock cod)

Common Diet

Micromesistius poutassou (Poutassou)

Common Habitat

Atlantic Ocean
Atlantic, Northeast
Atlantic, Western Central
United States

Attributes / relations provided by
1Feeding ecology of the deep-sea lanternshark Etmopterus pusillus (Elasmobranchii: Etmopteridae) in the northeast Atlantic, JOSÉ C. XAVIER, CÁTIA VIEIRA, CARLOS ASSIS, YVES CHEREL, SIMEON HILL, ESMERALDA COSTA, TERESA C. BORGES and RUI COELHO, Scientia Marina 76(2) June 2012, 301-310, Barcelona (Spain)
2Trophic ecology of blue whiting in the Barents Sea, Andrey V. Dolgov, Edda Johannesen, Mikko Heino, and Erik Olsen, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 67: 483–493