Diet Overlap

Bubo virginianus (Great Horned Owl)
Agkistrodon piscivorus (conanti)

Common Diet

Baiomys taylori (northern pygmy mouse)

Common Habitat

Appalachian mixed mesophytic forests
Appalachian-Blue Ridge forests
Big Cypress National Preserve
Cape Hatteras National Seashore
Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge
Carolinian-South Atlantic Biosphere Reserve
Central and Southern mixed grasslands
Central forest-grasslands transition
Central Gulf Coastal Plain Biosphere Reserve
Central U.S. hardwood forests
Cumberland Island National Seashore
East Central Texas forests
Edwards Plateau savanna
Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge
Florida sand pine scrub
Fort Caroline National Memorial
Fort Pulaski National Monument
Horseshoe Bend National Military Park
Jean Lafitte National Hist. Park & Preserve
Land Between the Lakes Biosphere Reserve
Little River National Wildlife Refuge
Little St. Simons Island
Middle Atlantic coastal forests
Mississippi lowland forests
New Jersey Pinelands Biosphere Reserve
Ocmulgee National Monument
Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge
Ozark Mountain forests
Piney Woods forests
San Antonio Missions National Historical Park
Santee Coastal Reserve and Washo Reserve
South Atlantic Coastal Plain Biosphere Reserve
South Florida rocklands
Southeastern conifer forests
Southeastern mixed forests
Texas blackland prairies
Western Gulf Coastal grasslands
Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge

Attributes / relations provided by
1Baiomys taylori, Bruce D. Eshelman and Guy N. Cameron, MAMMALIAN SPECIES No. 285, pp. 1-7 (1987)