Attributes / relations provided by
♦ 1CephBase - Cephalopod (Octopus, Squid, Cuttlefish and Nautilus) Database
♦ 2Jorrit H. Poelen, James D. Simons and Chris J. Mungall. (2014).
Global Biotic Interactions: An open infrastructure to share and analyze species-interaction datasets. Ecological Informatics.
♦ 3Cephalopod Remains in Regurgitations of the Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans at South Georgia, M. R. Clarke, J. P. Croxall, P. A. Prince, British Antarctic Survey Bulletin
♦ 4Diet of Pygmy Sperm Whales (Kogia breviceps) in the Hawaiian Archipelago, Kristi West, William Walker, Robin Baird, Whitney White, Gregg Levine, Eric Brown, David Schofield, MARINE MAMMAL SCIENCE, 25(4): 931943 (October 2009)
♦ 5Niche Partitioning, Distribution And Competition In North Atlantic Beaked Whales, Colin D. MacLeod, A thesis submitted to the School of Biological Sciences for a degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK. January 2005
♦ 6Feeding habits of neon flying squid Ommastrephes bartramii in the transitional region of the central North Pacific, Hikaru Watanabe, Tsunemi Kubodera, Taro Ichii, Shigeyuki Kawahara, Mar Ecol Prog Ser 266: 173184, 2004
♦ 7Population status, foods and foraging of Laysan albatrosses Phoebastria immutabilis nesting on Guadalupe Island, Mexico, Robert L. Pitman, William A. Walker, William T. Everett, Juan Pablo GalloReynoso, Marine Ornithology 32: 159165 (2004)
♦ 8del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. & de Juana, E. (eds.).
Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
♦ 9DIET OF THE STRIPED DOLPHIN, Stenella coeruleoalba, IN THE EASTERN TROPICAL PACIFIC OCEAN, William F. Perrin, Kelly M. Robertson, and William A. Walker, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS, March 2008