Animalia > Chordata > Aves > Charadriiformes > Scolopacidae > Scolopax > Scolopax rochussenii

Scolopax rochussenii (Moluccan Woodcock)

Wikipedia Abstract

The Moluccan woodcock (Scolopax rochussenii), also known as Obi woodcock, is a medium-sized, approximately 40 cm long, forest wader with long and dark bill, orange buff below and black barred upperparts. The plumage is marked with large buff spots. This species is the largest of the woodcocks, 25% bigger than Eurasian woodcock. An Indonesian endemic, the Moluccan woodcock is restricted to Obi and Bacan, two small islands in North Maluku. It is known from eight specimens, with the most recent collected in 1980. Nothing is known of its habits.
View Wikipedia Record: Scolopax rochussenii

Endangered Species

Status: Vulnerable
View IUCN Record: Scolopax rochussenii

EDGE Analysis

Uniqueness Scale: Similiar (0) 
 Unique (100)
Uniqueness & Vulnerability Scale: Similiar & Secure (0) 
 Unique & Vulnerable (100)
ED Score: 10.1966
EDGE Score: 4.49506


Name Countries Ecozone Biome Species Report Climate Land
Halmahera rain forests Indonesia Australasia Tropical and Subtropical Moist Broadleaf Forests

Important Bird Areas

Name Location  IBA Criteria   Website   Climate   Land Use 
Pulau Obi Indonesia A1, A2

Biodiversity Hotspots

Name Location Endemic Species Website
Wallacea East Timor, Indonesia Yes

Range Map

External References


Ecoregions provided by World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF). WildFinder: Online database of species distributions, ver. 01.06 Wildfinder Database
Biodiversity Hotspots provided by Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund
Abstract provided by DBpedia licensed under a Creative Commons License
Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0