Animalia > Chordata > Aves > Anseriformes > Anatidae > Anas > Anas melleri

Anas melleri (Meller's Duck)

Wikipedia Abstract

Meller's duck (Anas melleri) is a species of the dabbling duck genus Anas. It is endemic to eastern Madagascar. Although a population was established on Mauritius in the mid-18th century, this is on the verge of extinction due to habitat loss and competition by feral domestic ducks. The species name of this species is after the botanist Charles James Meller, and its generic name is from the Ancient Greek for a duck.
View Wikipedia Record: Anas melleri

Endangered Species

Status: Endangered
View IUCN Record: Anas melleri

EDGE Analysis

Uniqueness Scale: Similiar (0) 
 Unique (100)
Uniqueness & Vulnerability Scale: Similiar & Secure (0) 
 Unique & Vulnerable (100)
ED Score: 1.4844
EDGE Score: 2.98947


Adult Weight [1]  2.116 lbs (960 g)
Birth Weight [2]  45 grams
Female Weight [4]  2.008 lbs (911 g)
Male Weight [4]  2.227 lbs (1.01 kg)
Weight Dimorphism [4]  10.9 %
Diet [3]  Carnivore (Invertebrates), Granivore, Herbivore
Diet - Invertibrates [3]  20 %
Diet - Plants [3]  50 %
Diet - Seeds [3]  30 %
Forages - Ground [3]  20 %
Forages - Water Surface [3]  80 %
Clutch Size [6]  7
Clutches / Year [1]  1
Incubation [5]  28 days
Snout to Vent Length [1]  26 inches (66 cm)


Name Countries Ecozone Biome Species Report Climate Land
Madagascar lowland forests Madagascar Afrotropic Tropical and Subtropical Moist Broadleaf Forests
Madagascar mangroves Madagascar Afrotropic Mangroves
Madagascar subhumid forests Madagascar Afrotropic Tropical and Subtropical Moist Broadleaf Forests

Protected Areas

Name IUCN Category Area acres Location Species Website Climate Land Use
Mantadia National Park II 38395 Madagascar
Ranomafana National Park II 100646 Madagascar  
Réserve Naturelle Intégrale d'Andringitra National Park II 76961 Madagascar

Important Bird Areas

Biodiversity Hotspots

Name Location Endemic Species Website
Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles Yes

Range Map

External References


Attributes / relations provided by
1Nathan P. Myhrvold, Elita Baldridge, Benjamin Chan, Dhileep Sivam, Daniel L. Freeman, and S. K. Morgan Ernest. 2015. An amniote life-history database to perform comparative analyses with birds, mammals, and reptiles. Ecology 96:3109
2Terje Lislevand, Jordi Figuerola, and Tamás Székely. 2007. Avian body sizes in relation to fecundity, mating system, display behavior, and resource sharing. Ecology 88:1605
3Hamish Wilman, Jonathan Belmaker, Jennifer Simpson, Carolina de la Rosa, Marcelo M. Rivadeneira, and Walter Jetz. 2014. EltonTraits 1.0: Species-level foraging attributes of the world's birds and mammals. Ecology 95:2027
4Young, G. H. 1991. Sexual dimorphism in Meller's duck Anas melleri. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 111: 225-228
5del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. & de Juana, E. (eds.). Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
6Jetz W, Sekercioglu CH, Böhning-Gaese K (2008) The Worldwide Variation in Avian Clutch Size across Species and Space PLoS Biol 6(12): e303. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0060303
Ecoregions provided by World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF). WildFinder: Online database of species distributions, ver. 01.06 Wildfinder Database
Biodiversity Hotspots provided by Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund
Abstract provided by DBpedia licensed under a Creative Commons License
Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0