Animalia > Chordata > Gadiformes > Moridae > Salilota > Salilota australis

Salilota australis (Tadpole codling; Patagonian cod)

Synonyms: Haloporphyrus australis; Salilota bovei
Language: French; Japanese; Mandarin Chinese; Polish; Spanish

Wikipedia Abstract

The tadpole codling, Salilota australis, is a species of morid cod found in the waters around the southern tip of South America and the Falkland Islands. It occurs at depths from 30 to 1,000 m (98 to 3,281 ft) and is of minor importance to local commercial fisheries. This species grows to 50 cm (20 in) in total length.
View Wikipedia Record: Salilota australis


Migration [1]  Oceanodromous

Prey / Diet

Prey / Diet Overlap


Cottoperca gobio (Channel bull blenny)[2]
Lagenorhynchus australis (Peale's Dolphin)[4]
Merluccius australis (Whiting)[2]


Parasitized by 
Derogenes varicus[5]
Elytrophalloides oatesi[5]
Hepatoxylon trichiuri[5]
Neolepidapedon argentinense[5]
Tribuliphorus salilotae[5]

External References


Attributes / relations provided by
1Riede, Klaus (2004) Global Register of Migratory Species - from Global to Regional Scales. Final Report of the R&D-Projekt 808 05 081. 330 pages + CD-ROM
2Jorrit H. Poelen, James D. Simons and Chris J. Mungall. (2014). Global Biotic Interactions: An open infrastructure to share and analyze species-interaction datasets. Ecological Informatics.
3"Variation in the diet of the red cod with size and season around the Falkland Islands (south-west Atlantic)", A. Arkhipkin, P. Brickle, V. Laptikhovsky, L. Butcher, E. Jones, M. Potter and D. Poulding, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK / Volume81 / Issue06 / December 2001, pp 1035-1040
4Food Habits of the Peale's Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus australis; Review and New Information, Adrian C.M. Schiavini, R. Natalie P. Goodall, Ann-Katrien Lescrauwaet and Mariano Koen Alonso, REP. INT. WHAL. COMMN 47, 1997, p. 827-834
5Gibson, D. I., Bray, R. A., & Harris, E. A. (Compilers) (2005). Host-Parasite Database of the Natural History Museum, London
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