Animalia > Chordata > Amphibia > Gymnophiona > Herpelidae > Boulengerula


Synonyms: Afrocaecilia

Wikipedia Abstract

The Boulenger's caecilian, Boulengerula, is a genus of amphibian in the Caeciliidae family. They are found in East Africa. Boulengerula taitana feeds on earthworms, termites, dipteran larvae and other soil macrofauna. Presumably other Boulengerula have similar diets.
View Wikipedia Record: Boulengerula


Boulengerula boulengeri (Usambara Bluish-grey Caecilian) (Attributes)
Boulengerula changamwensis (Changamwensis African Caecilian) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Boulengerula denhardti (Denhardt's African Caecilian) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Boulengerula fischeri (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Boulengerula niedeni (Sagalla caecilian) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Boulengerula spawlsi (Nyambene Hills Caecilian) (Critically Endangered)
Boulengerula spec
Boulengerula taitana (Taita African Caecilian) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Boulengerula uluguruensis (Uluguru Hills caecilian) (Attributes)

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0