Animalia > Platyhelminthes > Trematoda > Plagiorchiida > Microphallidae > Probolocoryphe > Probolocoryphe glandulosa

Probolocoryphe glandulosa

Synonyms: Maritrema glandulosa; Maritrema uca; Mecynophallus glandulosus; Mecynophallus uca; Probolocoryphe uca

Wikipedia Abstract

Probolocoryphe glandulosa is a digenean parasite in the genus Probolocoryphe of family Microphallidae. Recorded hosts include the clapper rail (Rallus crepitans), ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres), raccoon (Procyon lotor), little blue heron (Ardea caerulea), Wilson's plover (Charadrius wilsonia), black-bellied plover (Pluvialis squatarola), and marsh rice rat (Oryzomys palustris).
View Wikipedia Record: Probolocoryphe glandulosa


Parasite of 
Arenaria interpres (Ruddy Turnstone)[1]
Oryzomys palustris (marsh rice rat)[1]
Rallus longirostris (Mangrove Rail)[1]
Tringa semipalmata (Willet)[1]

External References


Attributes / relations provided by
1Gibson, D. I., Bray, R. A., & Harris, E. A. (Compilers) (2005). Host-Parasite Database of the Natural History Museum, London
Abstract provided by DBpedia licensed under a Creative Commons License
Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0