Perizoma minorata, the heath rivulet, is a species of moth of the Geometridae family. It is found in most of Europe The wingspan is 16–20 mm.[It] is another inconstant species and shows some local and some individual minorata.variation. The name-typical form, as it occurs in the Alps, the mountains of Germany, Austria, S. France, etc., is the larger, paler race, the ground-colour being clear white, the markings often pale,the distal area at times with only quite weak dark shading. Hindwing whitish or very pale grey. - ericetata Steph., the only form known to me from Scotland, is considerably smaller, darker-marked, the white band - distally to the median generally with a sharper dividing-line, the hindwing darker grey. - norvegica Prout, from Norway, is as small as ericetata but otherwise