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♦ 1Breaking with tradition: redefining measures for diet description with a case study of the Aleutian skate Bathyraja aleutica (Gilbert 1896), Simon C. Brown & Joseph J. Bizzarro &
Gregor M. Cailliet & David A. Ebert, Environ Biol Fish, November 2011
♦ 2Diet and trophic ecology of skates in the Gulf of Alaska (Raja and Bathyraja spp.): ecological information for ecosystem–based management of demersal resources, David A. Ebert, Joseph J. Bizzarro, Simon C. Brown, Mariah D. Boyle, and Gregor M. Cailliet, NPRB Project 621 Final Report (2008)
♦ 3Food habits of Pacific cod and walleye pollock in the northern Gulf of Alaska, Daniel Urban, Mar Ecol Prog Ser 469: 215–222, 2012