Plantae > Tracheophyta > Liliopsida > Asparagales > Iridaceae



Wikipedia Abstract

Iridaceae is a family of plants in Order Asparagales, taking its name from the Irises, meaning rainbow, referring to its many colours. There are 66 accepted genera with a total of ca 2244 species worldwide (Christenhusz & Byng 2016 ). It includes a number of other well known cultivated plants, such as the Freesia, the Gladiolus and the Crocus. Members of this family are perennial plants, with a bulb, corm or rhizome. The plants grow erect, and have leaves that are generally grass-like, with a sharp central fold. Some examples of members of this family are the Blue Flag and Yellow Flag.
View Wikipedia Record: Iridaceae


Afrosolen (15)
Aglaea (1)
Alophia (alophia) (5)
Anomaza (1)
Aristea (aristea) (60)
Babiana (103)
Beilia (1)
Bobartia (15)
Bulbocodium (1)
Calydorea (violet-lily) (21)
Chasmanthe (African cornflag) (4)
Cipura (9)
Cobana (1)
Codonorhiza (7)
Crocosmia (crocosmia) (9)
Crocus (crocus) (272)   (2)
Cyanixia (1)
Cypella (38)
Deluciris (2)
Devia (1)
Dierama (44)   (1)
Dietes (dietes) (7)
Diplarrena (3)
Diplarrhena (1)
Duthiastrum (1)
Eleutherine (eleutherine) (3)
Ennealophus (6)
Ferraria (19)
Freesia (freesia) (22)
Geissorhiza (109)
Geissorrhiza (7)
Gelasine (9)
Geosiris (3)
Gladiolus (gladiolus) (313)   (2)
Herbertia (herbertia) (12)
Hesperantha (98)
Hesperoxiphion (5)
Iridinium (1)
Iris (409)   (17)   (1)
Irites (1)
Isophysis (1)
Ixia (African cornlily) (136)
Klattia (3)
Lapeirousia (29)
Larentia (3)
Lethia (2)
Libertia (libertia) (17)
Mastigostyla (29)   (1)
Melasphaerula (2)
Micranthus (9)
Moraea (251)
Nemastylis (pleatleaf) (9)
Nivenia (12)
Olsynium (grasswidow) (18)
Orthrosanthus (11)
Patersonia (26)   (1)
Petamenes (1)
Phalocallis (1)
Pillansia (1)
Radinosiphon (2)
Romulea (romulea) (132)   (7)
Salpingostylis (2)
Savannosiphon (1)
Schizorhiza (1)
Sisyrenchium (3)
Sisyrinchium (Blue-eyed Grasses) (217)
Solenomeles (1)
Solenomelus (2)
Sparaxis (wandflower) (20)
Syringodea (11)
Tapeinia (1)
Thereianthus (12)
Tigridia (tiger-flowers) (64)
Trimezia (trimezia) (79)
Tritonia (43)
Tritoniopsis (25)
Watsonia (bugle-lily) (71)
Witsenia (4)
Xenoscapa (3)
Xyphidium (1)
Zygotritonia (7)   (1)

(...) = Species count
(...) = Endangered count
(...) = Invasive count

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0