Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Ericales > Primulaceae > Myrsine



Wikipedia Abstract

Myrsine is a genus of flowering plants in the family Primulaceae. It was formerly placed in the family Myrsinaceae before this was merged into the Primulaceae. It is found nearly worldwide, primarily in tropical and subtropical areas. It contains about 200 species, including several notable radiations, such as the matipo of New Zealand and the kōlea of Hawaiʻi (the New Zealand "black matipo", Pittosporum tenuifolium, is not related to Myrsine). In the United States, members of this genus are known as colicwood. Some species, especially M. africana, are grown as ornamental shrubs.
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Myrsine achradifolia
Myrsine acrantha
Myrsine acrosticta
Myrsine acutiloba
Myrsine adamsonii
Myrsine affinis
Myrsine africana (Cape Myrtle)
Myrsine albiflorens
Myrsine altomontana
Myrsine alyxifolia (forest colicwood) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Myrsine amischocarpa
Myrsine amorosoana
Myrsine andersonii (Critically Endangered)
Myrsine andina
Myrsine angusta
Myrsine apoensis
Myrsine aquilonia
Myrsine aralioides
Myrsine arborea
Myrsine arenaria
Myrsine arfakensis
Myrsine argentea
Myrsine asymmetrica
Myrsine augustae
Myrsine australia <Unverified Name>
Myrsine australis (Red Matipo)
Myrsine avenis
Myrsine balansae
Myrsine belepensis
Myrsine benthamiana
Myrsine bissei
Myrsine boivinii
Myrsine borealis
Myrsine borneensis
Myrsine boulindaensis
Myrsine brassii
Myrsine brevis
Myrsine brownii (Critically Endangered)
Myrsine bullata (Vulnerable)
Myrsine cacuminum
Myrsine calcarata
Myrsine campanulata
Myrsine capitellala
Myrsine carolinensis
Myrsine ceylanica (Critically Endangered)
Myrsine chathamica (matipo)
Myrsine cheesemanii (Cook Islands Myrsine)
Myrsine cicatricosa
Myrsine cipoensis
Myrsine citrifolia
Myrsine clemensiae
Myrsine cochinchinensis
Myrsine collina
Myrsine comorensis
Myrsine congesta
Myrsine cordata
Myrsine coriacea (leathery colicwood)
Myrsine coriifolia
Myrsine courboniana
Myrsine coxii
Myrsine crassiramea
Myrsine crassula
Myrsine cristalensis
Myrsine cruciata
Myrsine cupuliformis
Myrsine daphnoides
Myrsine dasyphylla (Vulnerable)
Myrsine degeneri (summit colicwood) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Myrsine densiflora
Myrsine denticulata (bog colicwood) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Myrsine dependens
Myrsine diazii (Vulnerable)
Myrsine dicksonii
Myrsine dilloniana
Myrsine diminuta
Myrsine discocarpa
Myrsine divaricata
Myrsine dumbeaensis
Myrsine elata
Myrsine elliptica
Myrsine emarginella
Myrsine exquisitorum
Myrsine faberi
Myrsine fasciculata
Myrsine fastigiata
Myrsine fernseei (streambank colicwood) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Myrsine floridana (Guianese colicwood) (Attributes)
Myrsine forbesii
Myrsine fosbergii (Koolau Range colicwood) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Myrsine fosteri
Myrsine fusca
Myrsine gardneriana
Myrsine gilliana (Dwarf Cape Beech) (Vulnerable)
Myrsine glandulosa
Myrsine glazioviana
Myrsine gomphostigma
Myrsine gracilissima
Myrsine grandifolia
Myrsine griffithiana
Myrsine guianensis (Guianese colicwood)
Myrsine hadrocarpa
Myrsine hartii (Critically Endangered)
Myrsine hasseltii
Myrsine helleri (Wahiawa Bog colicwood) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Myrsine hermogenesii
Myrsine hosakae (Vulnerable)
Myrsine howittiana (Brush Muttonwood)
Myrsine humboldtensis
Myrsine inaequalis
Myrsine integrifolia
Myrsine involucrata
Myrsine ireneae
Myrsine juddii (cloudswept colicwood) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Myrsine juergensenii (Vulnerable)
Myrsine jurgensenii
Myrsine katrikouensis
Myrsine kauaiensis (Kauai colicwood) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Myrsine kermadecensis
Myrsine kimberleyensis
Myrsine knudsenii (Kokee colicwood) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Myrsine koghiensis
Myrsine korthalsii
Myrsine kuebiniensis
Myrsine kwangsiensis
Myrsine laetevirens
Myrsine lamii
Myrsine laminarum
Myrsine lanaiensis (Lanai colicwood) (Attributes)
Myrsine lanceolata
Myrsine lancifolia
Myrsine latifolia
Myrsine laurifolia
Myrsine lecardii
Myrsine lechleri
Myrsine ledermannii
Myrsine lehmannii
Myrsine lessertiana (kolea lau nui) (Attributes)
Myrsine leucantha
Myrsine leucobrachya
Myrsine leuconeura
Myrsine lifuensis
Myrsine ligustrina
Myrsine linearifolia (narrowleaf colicwood) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Myrsine lineata
Myrsine loefgrenii
Myrsine longifolia (Critically Endangered)
Myrsine longipes
Myrsine luae
Myrsine macrocarpa (Bigfruit Myrsine) (Vulnerable)
Myrsine macrophylla
Myrsine maculata
Myrsine madagascariensis
Myrsine magnoliifolia
Myrsine maguireana
Myrsine manglillo
Myrsine matensis
Myrsine maximowiczii
Myrsine mccomishii
Myrsine mcphersonii
Myrsine medeciloae
Myrsine melanophleos
Myrsine melanophloeos (Cape Beech) (Attributes)
Myrsine memaoyaensis
Myrsine mezii (Hanapepe River colicwood) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Myrsine microdonta
Myrsine mindanaensis
Myrsine minima
Myrsine minutiflora (Endangered)
Myrsine minutifolia
Myrsine miquelii
Myrsine mocquerysii (Critically Endangered)
Myrsine modesta
Myrsine montana
Myrsine monticola
Myrsine multibracteata
Myrsine munzingeri
Myrsine myricifolia
Myrsine myrtillina
Myrsine naiuensis
Myrsine niauensis
Myrsine nigricans
Myrsine nitens
Myrsine nitida
Myrsine novocaledonica
Myrsine nubicola
Myrsine nukuhivensis
Myrsine nummularia (creeping mapou)
Myrsine oblanceolata
Myrsine oblongata
Myrsine oblongibacca
Myrsine obovalifolia
Myrsine obovata
Myrsine okabeana
Myrsine oligophylla
Myrsine oliveri (Vulnerable)
Myrsine oreophila
Myrsine orohenensis (Mt. Kahili colicwood) (Attributes)
Myrsine ouameniensis
Myrsine ouazangouensis
Myrsine ovalis
Myrsine ovicarpa
Myrsine palauensis
Myrsine paniensis (Critically Endangered)
Myrsine papuana
Myrsine paramensis (Endangered)
Myrsine parvicarpa
Myrsine parvifolia
Myrsine parvula
Myrsine pearcei (Vulnerable)
Myrsine pedicellata
Myrsine pellucida
Myrsine pellucidopunctata
Myrsine pellucidostriata
Myrsine penibukana
Myrsine perakensis
Myrsine peregrina
Myrsine perpauciflora (Vulnerable)
Myrsine perreticulata (Critically Endangered)
Myrsine petiolata (swamp colicwood) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Myrsine philippinensis
Myrsine picturata
Myrsine pillansii (Large Cape Myrtle)
Myrsine pininsularis
Myrsine pipolyi
Myrsine platystigma
Myrsine playfairii
Myrsine polyantha
Myrsine porosa
Myrsine porteriana
Myrsine poumensis
Myrsine precapitellata
Myrsine pronyensis
Myrsine pseudocrenata
Myrsine pukooensis (Molokai colicwood) (Attributes)
Myrsine raiateensis
Myrsine ralstoniae
Myrsine rapensis
Myrsine rawacensis
Myrsine resinosa
Myrsine revoluta
Myrsine reynelii (Vulnerable)
Myrsine rhombata
Myrsine richmondensis
Myrsine rivularis (Vulnerable)
Myrsine robusta
Myrsine rockii (dotted colicwood) (Attributes)
Myrsine rolletii
Myrsine ronuiensis (Critically Endangered)
Myrsine rouxii
Myrsine rubiginosa
Myrsine rubra
Myrsine salicina (toro)
Myrsine salomonensis
Myrsine sandwicensis (kokea lau li'i) (Attributes)
Myrsine seguinii (Attributes)
Myrsine semiserrata (Attributes)
Myrsine serpenticola
Myrsine serrata
Myrsine sessiliflora
Myrsine seychellarum (Bwa klate) (Critically Endangered)
Myrsine smithii
Myrsine sodiroana (Vulnerable)
Myrsine spissifolia
Myrsine sprucei
Myrsine squarrosa
Myrsine stenophylla
Myrsine stolonifera
Myrsine striata (Endangered)
Myrsine subsessilis
Myrsine sumatrana
Myrsine tahitensis
Myrsine tahuatensis
Myrsine taitensis
Myrsine taomensis
Myrsine tchingouensis
Myrsine tempanpan
Myrsine thwaitesii
Myrsine trinitatis
Myrsine turquinensis
Myrsine umbellata
Myrsine umbricola
Myrsine undulata
Myrsine urceolata
Myrsine vaccinioides (Violet Lake colicwood) (Attributes)
Myrsine variabilis
Myrsine velutina
Myrsine venosa
Myrsine verrucosa
Myrsine verruculosa
Myrsine vescoi
Myrsine vieillardii
Myrsine villicaulis
Myrsine villosissima
Myrsine warrae
Myrsine wawraea (Mt. Kahili colicwood) (Endangered)
Myrsine weberbaueri
Myrsine wettsteinii
Myrsine wightiana
Myrsine womersleyi
Myrsine wrayi
Myrsine yateensis
Myrsine youngii
Myrsinites gaudini

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0