Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Saxifragales > Saxifragaceae


Synonyms: Chrysospleniaceae

Wikipedia Abstract

Saxifragaceae is a plant family with about 640 known species in 33 accepted genera. The flowers are hermaphroditic and actinomorphic. They have 4 or 5 petals and 5 or 10 stamens. Well known species include: \n* Bergenia cordifolia \n* Saxifraga stellaris \n* Saxifraga oppositifolia \n* Saxifraga paniculata Parnassiaceae have sometimes been treated as part of this family, although they are only distantly genetically related and are now placed in Celastraceae.
View Wikipedia Record: Saxifragaceae


Adenanthemum (1)
Argophyllites (1)
Asimitellaria (11)
Astilbe (false goat's beard) (34)
Astilboides (1)
Bensoniella (bensoniella) (1)
Bergenia (12)
Bolandra (false coolwort) (2)
Boykinia (brookfoams) (11)
Brachycaulos (1)
Brewerimitella (2)
Carpenterianthus (1)
Cascadia (1)
Chrysosplenium (golden saxifrage) (95)
Conimitella (conimitella) (1)
Darmera (darmera) (1)
Distomanthera (1)
Elmera (coralbells) (1)
Hemieva (1)
Heuchera (alumroot) (57)
Hieronymusia (1)
Holochloa (1)
Hydrangeiphyllum (1)
Jepsonia (jepsonia) (3)
Leptarrhena (leptarrhena) (1)
Lithophragma (woodland-star) (10)
Micranthes (88)
Mitella (miterworts) (6)
Mitellastra (1)
Mukdenia (1)
Oresitrophe (2)
Ozomelis (3)
Pectiantia (1)
Peltoboykinia (2)
Rodgersia (6)
Saniculiphyllum (1)
Saxifraga (saxifrage) (702)   (3)
Saxifragaceaecarpum (1)
Saxifragispermum (1)
Saxifragites (1)
Saxifragodes (1)
Saxifragopsis (strawberry saxifrage) (1)
Spuriomitella (1)
Stephanostemon (2)
Suksdorfia (suksdorfia) (1)
Sullivantea (1)
Sullivantia (coolwort) (3)
Tanakaea (1)
Telesonix (1)
Tellima (tellima) (3)
Tiarella (foamflower) (7)
Tolmiea (youth on age) (2)

(...) = Species count
(...) = Endangered count
(...) = Invasive count

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0