Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Brassicales > Brassicaceae > Boechera

Boechera (rockcress)

Wikipedia Abstract

Boechera (rockcress) is a genus of the family Brassicaceae. It was named after the Danish botanist Tyge W. Böcher (1909–1983), who was known for his research in alpine plants, including the mustards Draba and Boechera holboellii. According to recent molecular based studies Boechera is closely related to the genus Arabidopsis which also includes the widely known model plant Arabidopsis thaliana.
View Wikipedia Record: Boechera


Boechera acutina
Boechera arcuata (Attributes)
Boechera atrorubens (Attributes)
Boechera bodiensis (Bodie Hills rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera botulifructa
Boechera breweri (Brewer's rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera calcarea
Boechera calderi (Calder's rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera californica (Attributes)
Boechera carrizozoensis
Boechera cascadensis (Attributes)
Boechera centrifendleri
Boechera cobrensis (Masonic rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera collinsae
Boechera collinsii (Attributes)
Boechera consanguinea
Boechera constancei (Constance's rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera covillei
Boechera crandallii (Crandall's Rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera cusickii (Cusick's rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera davidsonii (Davidson's rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera depauperata (Attributes)
Boechera dispar (pinyon rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera divaricarpa (Attributes)
Boechera drepanoloba (Attributes)
Boechera duchesnensis (Attributes)
Boechera elkoensis
Boechera evadens
Boechera falcata
Boechera falcatoria (Grouse Creek rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera falcifructa (Elko rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera fecunda (Mt. Sapphire rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera fendleri (Fendler's rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera fernaldiana (park rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera formosa (Attributes)
Boechera fruticosa (fruit rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera glareosa
Boechera glaucovalvula (bluepod rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera goodrichii (Attributes)
Boechera gracilenta (Selby's rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera gracilipes (Flagstaff rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera grahamii (Boivin's rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera gunnisoniana (Gunnison's Rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera harrisonii
Boechera hastatula (eared rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera hoffmanii (Hoffmann's rockcress)
Boechera holboellii (Holböll's Rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera horizontalis (Attributes)
Boechera howellii (Attributes)
Boechera inyoensis (Inyo rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera johnstonii (Johnston's rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera kelseyana
Boechera koehleri (Koehler's rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera languida (Attributes)
Boechera lasiocarpa (Wasatch rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera lemmonii (Lemmon's rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera lignifera (desert rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera lincolnensis (Attributes)
Boechera lyallii (Lyall's rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera macounii (Attributes)
Boechera microphylla (Macoun's rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera nevadensis
Boechera ophira (Ophir Pass rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera oxyglobula
Boechera oxylobula (nodding rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera paddoensis (Attributes)
Boechera pallidifolia (Gunnison County rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera parishii (dwarf rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera pauciflora (Attributes)
Boechera paupercula (Attributes)
Boechera peirsonii (Attributes)
Boechera pendulina (rabbit ear rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera pendulocarpa (Attributes)
Boechera perennans (perennial rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera pinetorum (Attributes)
Boechera pinzlae
Boechera pinzliae (Boundary Peak rockcress)
Boechera platysperma (Howell's pioneer rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera polyantha
Boechera porphyrea
Boechera pratincola
Boechera puberula (Beckwith's rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera pulchra (Duchesne rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera pusilla (Fremont County rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera pygmaea (Tulare County rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera quebecensis
Boechera rectissima (bristlyleaf rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera retrofracta (Attributes)
Boechera rigidissima (Trinity Mountain rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera rollei (Klamath River rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera rollinsiorum
Boechera rubicundula
Boechera sanluisensis
Boechera saximontana (Attributes)
Boechera schistacea (divided rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera serpenticola
Boechera shevockii
Boechera shockleyi (Shockley's rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera sparsiflora (sicklepod rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera spatifolia (Attributes)
Boechera spec
Boechera stricta (Drummond's rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera subpinnatifida (Klamath rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera suffrutescens (horizontal woody rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera texana
Boechera tiehmii (Carson Range rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera tularensis
Boechera ultraalsa
Boechera villosa
Boechera williamsii (Cross Mountain rockcress) (Attributes)
Boechera xylopoda (Attributes)
Boechera yorkii (Last Chance rockcress)
Boechera zephyra

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0