Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Asterales > Asteraceae > Pluchea

Pluchea (camphorweed)


Wikipedia Abstract

Pluchea is a genus of flowering plants in the stinkwort tribe within the sunflower family. Members of this genus might be known as camphorweeds, plucheas, or less uniquely fleabanes. Some, such as P. carolinensis and P. odorata, are called sourbushes. There are plants of many forms, from annual and perennial herbs to shrubs and trees, and there is variation in the morphology of leaves, flowers, and fruits. The genus was named for the French naturalist Abbé Noël-Antoine Pluche.
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Pluchea alata
Pluchea angustifolia
Pluchea aphanantha
Pluchea arabica
Pluchea arguta
Pluchea baccharis (rosy camphorweed) (Attributes)
Pluchea baccharoides
Pluchea bequaertii
Pluchea biformis
Pluchea bojeri
Pluchea camphorata (camphor pluchea)
Pluchea carolinensis (cure for all) (Attributes)
Pluchea chapmanii
Pluchea chingoyo
Pluchea dentex (Attributes)
Pluchea dioscorides
Pluchea dioscoridis
Pluchea doniana
Pluchea dunlopii
Pluchea eupatorioides
Pluchea ferdinandi-muelleri
Pluchea fiebrigii
Pluchea foetida (camphor pluchea) (Attributes)
Pluchea fosbergii
Pluchea glutinosa (Extinct)
Pluchea grevei
Pluchea heterophylla
Pluchea indica (Indian camphorweed)
Pluchea kelleri
Pluchea lanceolata
Pluchea lanuginosa
Pluchea laxiflora
Pluchea linearifolia
Pluchea littoralis
Pluchea longifolia (Long-leaf camphorweed)
Pluchea longipedunculata
Pluchea longiseta
Pluchea lucens
Pluchea lycioides
Pluchea macdonnellensis
Pluchea mesotes
Pluchea mexicana
Pluchea microcephala
Pluchea mollis
Pluchea nashii
Pluchea nogalensis
Pluchea oblongifolia
Pluchea obovata (Vulnerable)
Pluchea odorata (Sweetscent)
Pluchea ovalis (Woolly camphor-weed)
Pluchea paniculata
Pluchea pinnatidifida
Pluchea polygonata
Pluchea pteropoda
Pluchea puberula
Pluchea punctata
Pluchea rubelliflora
Pluchea rufescens (Vulnerable)
Pluchea sagitalis <Unverified Name>
Pluchea sagittalis (wingstem camphorweed) (Attributes)
Pluchea sagittata
Pluchea salicifolia (Attributes)
Pluchea sarcophylla
Pluchea sericea (Arrowweed) (Attributes)
Pluchea somaliensis
Pluchea sordida
Pluchea succulenta
Pluchea tenuis
Pluchea tetranthera
Pluchea tomentosa
Pluchea tweedyi
Pluchea wallichiana
Pluchea xanthina
Pluchea yucatanensis (Yucatan camphorweed) (Attributes)
Pluchea zamalloae

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0