Plantae > Tracheophyta > Liliopsida > Asparagales > Orchidaceae > Stanhopea

Stanhopea (stanhopea)

Synonyms: Ceratochilus; Gerlachia; Stanhopeastrum; Tadeastrum

Wikipedia Abstract

Stanhopea (J. Frost ex Hook. 1829) is a genus of the orchid family (Orchidaceae) from Central and South America. The abbreviation used in horticultural trade is Stan. The genus is named for the 4th Earl of Stanhope (Philip Henry Stanhope) (1781-1855), president of the Medico-Botanical Society of London (1829-1837). It comprises 55 species and 5 natural hybrids. These epiphytic, but occasionally terrestrial orchids can be found in damp forests from Mexico to Trinidad to NW Argentina. Their ovate pseudobulbs carry from the top one long, plicate, elliptic leaf. Primitive Stanhopeas
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Stanhopea acostae
Stanhopea albida
Stanhopea aliceae
Stanhopea anfracta
Stanhopea annulata
Stanhopea aurantiaca
Stanhopea aureum
Stanhopea avicula
Stanhopea barkerae
Stanhopea bicolor
Stanhopea bolivarensis
Stanhopea bueraremensis
Stanhopea candida
Stanhopea cephalopoda
Stanhopea chironii
Stanhopea cirrhata
Stanhopea confusa
Stanhopea connata
Stanhopea contracta
Stanhopea cooperi
Stanhopea costaricensis
Stanhopea deltoidea
Stanhopea devonensis <Unverified Name>
Stanhopea dodsoniana
Stanhopea ecornuta
Stanhopea embreei
Stanhopea florida
Stanhopea fonsecae
Stanhopea fowlieana
Stanhopea frymirei
Stanhopea fuerstenbergiae
Stanhopea fuerstenbergiana
Stanhopea gibbosa
Stanhopea grandiflora
Stanhopea graveolens
Stanhopea greeri
Stanhopea grossii
Stanhopea guttulata
Stanhopea hajekii
Stanhopea haseloffiana
Stanhopea haseloviana
Stanhopea haselowiana
Stanhopea hernandezii
Stanhopea herrenhusana
Stanhopea horichiana
Stanhopea inodora
Stanhopea insignis
Stanhopea intermedia
Stanhopea javieri
Stanhopea jenischiana
Stanhopea jenishiana
Stanhopea lewisae
Stanhopea lietzei
Stanhopea macrocornata
Stanhopea maculosa
Stanhopea madouxiana
Stanhopea maduroi
Stanhopea manriquei
Stanhopea marizaiana
Stanhopea marizana
Stanhopea martiana
Stanhopea marylenae
Stanhopea moliana
Stanhopea napoensis
Stanhopea naurayi
Stanhopea nicaraguensis
Stanhopea nigripes
Stanhopea novogaliciana
Stanhopea oculata (Attributes)
Stanhopea oscarrodrigoi
Stanhopea ospinae
Stanhopea panamensis
Stanhopea peruviana
Stanhopea platyceras
Stanhopea posadae
Stanhopea pozoi
Stanhopea pseudoradiosa
Stanhopea pulla
Stanhopea punctatissima
Stanhopea quadricornis
Stanhopea radiosa
Stanhopea reichenbachiana
Stanhopea remota
Stanhopea rubroatrata
Stanhopea rubromaculata
Stanhopea ruckeri
Stanhopea russeliana
Stanhopea russelliana
Stanhopea saccata
Stanhopea saintexuperyi
Stanhopea schilleriana
Stanhopea shuttleworthii
Stanhopea stevensonii
Stanhopea suavis
Stanhopea szlachetkoana
Stanhopea thienii
Stanhopea tibicinis
Stanhopea tigrina (Attributes)
Stanhopea tolimensis (Critically Endangered)
Stanhopea tricornis
Stanhopea victoriana
Stanhopea violacea
Stanhopea wardii
Stanhopea warszewicziana
Stanhopea whittenii
Stanhopea xanthoviridea
Stanhopea xytriophora

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0