Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Malvales > Dipterocarpaceae > Shorea

Shorea (Shorea)

Synonyms: Shorea burmindica

Wikipedia Abstract

Shorea is a genus of about 196 species of mainly rainforest trees in the family Dipterocarpaceae. The genus is named after Sir John Shore, the Governor-General of the British East India Company, 1793–1798. They are native to southeast Asia, from Northern India to Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. In west Malesia and the Philippines this genus dominates the skyline of the tropical forests. The tallest documented tropical angiosperm is an 88.3-metre-tall Shorea faguetiana in the Tawau Hills National Park, in Sabah on the island of Borneo, and in that park at least five other species of the genus have been measured to be over 80 m tall: S. argentifolia, S. gibbosa, S. johorensis, S. smithiana and S. superba. Borneo is also the hotspot of Shorea diversity with 138 species, of which 91 a
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Shorea acuminata (Dark Red Meranti)
Shorea acuminatissima (Yellow Meranti) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Shorea acuta
Shorea affinis (Endangered)
Shorea agamae
Shorea agami (White Meranti)
Shorea agamii
Shorea albida (Light Red Meranti) (Vulnerable)
Shorea almon (Light Red Meranti) (Attributes)
Shorea altopoensis
Shorea alutacea (Endangered)
Shorea amplexicaulis
Shorea andulensis (Light Red Meranti) (Vulnerable)
Shorea angustifolia
Shorea argentifolia (Dark Red Meranti)
Shorea arsorianoi
Shorea asahii
Shorea assamica (Attributes)
Shorea astylosa (Endangered)
Shorea atrinervosa (Vulnerable)
Shorea bakoensis (Vulnerable)
Shorea balanocarpoides (White Meranti) (Endangered)
Shorea beccariana
Shorea bengalensis
Shorea bentongensis (White Meranti) (Vulnerable)
Shorea bhalukpongensis
Shorea biawak (Endangered)
Shorea blumutensis (Yellow Meranti) (Critically Endangered)
Shorea bracteolata (White Meranti) (Endangered)
Shorea brunnescens (Endangered)
Shorea bullata (Dark Red Meranti) (Vulnerable)
Shorea calcicola (Endangered)
Shorea carapae
Shorea chaiana (Vulnerable)
Shorea chandernagarensis
Shorea ciliata
Shorea collaris (Vulnerable)
Shorea collina (Red Balau) (Vulnerable)
Shorea confusa (Vulnerable)
Shorea congestiflora (Critically Endangered)
Shorea conica (Critically Endangered)
Shorea contorta (White Lauan) (Attributes)
Shorea cordata (Endangered)
Shorea cordifolia (Doona nervosa) (Critically Endangered)
Shorea coriacea
Shorea crassa
Shorea curtisii (Dark Red Meranti)
Shorea cuspidata (Vulnerable)
Shorea dasyphylla (Endangered) (Attributes)
Shorea dealbata (White Meranti) (Critically Endangered)
Shorea dispar (Critically Endangered)
Shorea disticha (Endangered)
Shorea domatiosa (Endangered)
Shorea dyeri (Endangered)
Shorea elliptica (Dark Red Meranti) (Endangered)
Shorea eutrapizifolia
Shorea exelliptica
Shorea faguetiana (Yellow Meranti) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Shorea faguetioides
Shorea falcata (Critically Endangered)
Shorea falcifera (Endangered)
Shorea falciferoides (Vulnerable)
Shorea fallax
Shorea farinosa (Endangered)
Shorea ferruginea (Vulnerable)
Shorea flaviflora (Dark Red Meranti) (Vulnerable)
Shorea flemmichii (Vulnerable)
Shorea foraminifera (Critically Endangered)
Shorea foxworthyi (Vulnerable)
Shorea furfuracea
Shorea gardneri (Red doon) (Critically Endangered)
Shorea geniculata (Vulnerable)
Shorea gibbosa (Yellow Meranti) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Shorea glauca (Endangered)
Shorea gratissima (White Meranti) (Endangered)
Shorea guiso (dfgadfg) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Shorea havilandii
Shorea hemsleyana (Vulnerable)
Shorea henryana (White Meranti) (Endangered)
Shorea hopeifolia (Yellow Meranti) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Shorea hulanidda
Shorea hypochra (White Meranti) (Endangered)
Shorea hypoleuca (Vulnerable)
Shorea iliasii (Yellow Meranti) (Critically Endangered)
Shorea inaequilateralis (Red Balau) (Endangered)
Shorea inappendiculata (Critically Endangered)
Shorea induplicata (Critically Endangered)
Shorea isoptera (Vulnerable)
Shorea javanica (White Meranti) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Shorea johorensis (Light Red Meranti) (Critically Endangered)
Shorea kuantanensis (Yellow Meranti) (Critically Endangered)
Shorea kudatensis (Yellow Meranti)
Shorea kunstleri (Red Balau) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Shorea ladiana (Vulnerable)
Shorea laevis (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Shorea lamellata (White Meranti) (Critically Endangered)
Shorea laxa (Yellow Meranti)
Shorea lepidota (Light Red Meranti) (Critically Endangered)
Shorea leprosula (Light Red Meranti) (Attributes)
Shorea leptoderma (Critically Endangered)
Shorea lissophylla (Critically Endangered)
Shorea longiflora (Vulnerable)
Shorea longisperma (Yellow Meranti) (Endangered)
Shorea lumutensis (Selangan Batu) (Critically Endangered)
Shorea lunduensis
Shorea macrantha (Critically Endangered)
Shorea macrobalanos (Yellow Meranti) (Vulnerable)
Shorea macrophylla (Light Red Meranti) (Attributes)
Shorea macroptera
Shorea malibato (Vulnerable)
Shorea materialis (Critically Endangered)
Shorea maxima (Yellow Meranti)
Shorea maxwelliana (Endangered)
Shorea mecistopteryx (Red Meranti) (Vulnerable)
Shorea megistophylla (Critically Endangered)
Shorea micans
Shorea miocenica
Shorea miocurtisii
Shorea mioobtusa
Shorea monticola
Shorea montigena (Critically Endangered)
Shorea mujongensis (Vulnerable)
Shorea multiflora (Yellow Meranti)
Shorea myrionerva (Light Red Meranti)
Shorea negrosensis (Red Lauan) (Attributes)
Shorea nepalensis
Shorea oblongifolia (Yellow balau) (Critically Endangered)
Shorea obovoidea (Vulnerable)
Shorea obscura (Vulnerable)
Shorea obtusa
Shorea ochracea (Vulnerable)
Shorea ochrophloia (Red Balau) (Vulnerable)
Shorea ovalifolia (Critically Endangered)
Shorea ovalis
Shorea ovata (Dark Red Meranti) (Endangered)
Shorea pachyphylla (Dark Red Meranti) (Endangered)
Shorea palaeostellata
Shorea palembanica (Light Red Meranti) (Critically Endangered)
Shorea pallescens (Critically Endangered)
Shorea pallidifolia (Red Meranti) (Endangered)
Shorea parvifolia
Shorea parvistipulata
Shorea patoiensis
Shorea pauciflora (Dark Red Meranti) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Shorea peltata (Yellow Meranti) (Critically Endangered)
Shorea pilosa
Shorea pinanga
Shorea pinjoliensis
Shorea platycarpa (Light Red Meranti) (Critically Endangered)
Shorea platyclados (Dark Red Meranti)
Shorea pliotumbuggaia
Shorea polita
Shorea polyandra (Yellow Meranti) (Vulnerable)
Shorea polysperma (Attributes)
Shorea praestans (Light Red Meranti) (Critically Endangered)
Shorea pubistyla
Shorea quadrinervis (Light Red Meranti) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Shorea resinosa (White Meranti) (Critically Endangered)
Shorea retinodes (Vulnerable)
Shorea retusa (Vulnerable)
Shorea revoluta (Light Red Meranti) (Critically Endangered)
Shorea richetia (Vulnerable)
Shorea robusta (sal tree) (Attributes)
Shorea rotundifolia (Light Red Meranti) (Critically Endangered)
Shorea roxburghii (White Meranti) (Vulnerable)
Shorea rubella (Light Red Meranti) (Vulnerable)
Shorea rubra
Shorea rugosa (Dark Red Meranti) (Vulnerable)
Shorea sagittata (Light Red Meranti)
Shorea scaberrima
Shorea scabrida
Shorea schumanniana
Shorea scrobiculata
Shorea selanica (Critically Endangered)
Shorea seminis
Shorea siamensis (Dark Red Meranti) (Attributes)
Shorea singkawang (Dark Red Meranti) (Vulnerable)
Shorea siwalika
Shorea slootenii (Vulnerable)
Shorea smithiana (Light Red Meranti) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Shorea splendida (Endangered)
Shorea squamata (Philippine Mahogany)
Shorea stenoptera (Light Red Meranti) (Attributes)
Shorea stipularis (Critically Endangered)
Shorea subcylindrica (Vulnerable)
Shorea submontana
Shorea sumatrana (Isoptera sumatrana) (Endangered)
Shorea superba (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Shorea symingtonii (White Meranti) (Vulnerable)
Shorea tenuiramulosa (Endangered)
Shorea teysmanniana (Light Red Meranti) (Endangered)
Shorea thorelii (Vulnerable)
Shorea trapezifolia (Critically Endangered)
Shorea tumbuggaia (Endangered)
Shorea uliginosa (Vulnerable)
Shorea venulosa
Shorea virescens (White Meranti) (Endangered)
Shorea waltoni
Shorea wangtianshuea (Shorea wangtianshuea) (Endangered)
Shorea woodii (Endangered)
Shorea worthingtoni
Shorea worthingtonii (Endangered)
Shorea xanthophylla (Yellow Meranti)
Shorea zeylanica (Critically Endangered)

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0