Animalia > Chordata > Clupeiformes > Clupeidae > Herklotsichthys

Herklotsichthys (Herring)


Wikipedia Abstract

Herklotsichthys is a genus of herrings in the family Clupeidae found mostly around Southeast Asia and Australia with one species each in the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea and the western Indian Ocean. This genus currently contains 12 species.
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Herklotsichthys blackburni (Blackburn's yellowfin herring)
Herklotsichthys castelnaui (Castlenau's herring)
Herklotsichthys collettei (Collette's herring)
Herklotsichthys dispilonotus (Blacksaddle herring)
Herklotsichthys gotoi (Black-spot herring) (Attributes)
Herklotsichthys koningsbergeri (Spotted herring) (Attributes)
Herklotsichthys lippa (Australian spotted herring)
Herklotsichthys lossei (Gulf herring)
Herklotsichthys ovalis (Spotted herring)
Herklotsichthys punctatus (Spotted herring)
Herklotsichthys quadrimaculatus (Spotted herring)
Herklotsichthys spilurus (Reunion herring)

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0