Animalia > Chordata > Clupeiformes > Clupeidae

Clupeidae (herrings, menhadens, pilchards, sardines, shads, and sprats)


Wikipedia Abstract

Clupeidae is a family of ray-finned fishes, comprising, for instance, the herrings, shads, sardines, hilsa, and menhadens. The clupeids include many of the most important food fishes in the world, and are also commonly caught for production of fish oil and fish meal. Many members of the family have a body protected with shiny cycloid scales (very smooth and uniform scales), a single dorsal fin, with a fusiform body evolved for quick, evasive swimming and pursuit of prey composed of small planktonic animals. Due to their small size, and position in the lower trophic level of many marine food webs, the levels of methylmercury they bioaccumulate are very low, reducing the risk of mercury poisoning when consumed.
View Wikipedia Record: Clupeidae


Alisea (1)
Alosa (river herrings) (37)
Amblygaster (Herring) (4)
Anodontostoma (Gizzard shad) (3)
Apterogasterus (1)
Audenaerdia (1)
Bolcaichthys (1)
Brevoortia (menhadens) (6)
Chasmoclupea (1)
Clupanodon (2)
Clupea (61)
Clupeichthys (River sprat) (4)
Clupeidarum (4)
Clupeoides (River sprat) (4)
Clupeonella (Sprat) (8)
Congothrissa (Sprat) (1)
Corica (Sprat) (3)
Dayella (Herring) (1)
Dorosoma (gizzard shads) (5)
Ehirava (Round herring) (1)
Ellimma (1)
Eoalosa (1)
Escualosa (Sardine) (2)
Ethmalosa (Shad) (1)
Ethmidium (Menhaden) (1)
Etringus (1)
Ganoessus (3)
Ganolytes (4)
Gilchristella (Round herring) (1)
Gonialosa (Gizzard shad) (3)
Gudusia (River shad) (2)
Harengula (scaly sardines) (5)
Herklotsichthys (Herring) (12)
Hilsa (Shad) (1)
Hyperlophus (Sprat) (2)
Hypsospondylus (1)
Jenkinsia (4)
Knightia (2)
Konosirus (Gizzard shad) (1)
Laeviscutella (Herring) (1)
Lile (Herring) (4)
Limnothrissa (Sardine) (1)
Microthrissa (Sprat) (5)
Minyclupeoides (1)
Nannothrissa (Dwarf sprat) (2)
Nematalosa (Gizzard shad) (11)
Nolfia (1)
Odaxothrissa (Herring) (3)
Opisthonema (thread herrings) (6)
Paleopiquitinga (1)
Pellonula (Pellonula) (3)
Platanichthys (Sprat) (1)
Potamalosa (Herring) (2)
Potamothrissa (Herring) (3)
Quisque (1)
Ramnogaster (Sprat) (2)
Rhinosardinia (Sprat) (2)
Rupelia (1)
Sardina (Sardine) (4)
Sardinella (35)
Sardinops (Pilchard) (3)
Sarmatella (2)
Sauvagella (Round herring) (2)
Scombroclupea (5)
Sierrathrissa (Round herring) (1)
Spratelloides (5)
Spratellomorpha (Round herring) (2)
Sprattus (Sprat) (7)
Stolothrissa (Round herring) (1)
Strangomera (1)
Sundasalanx (7)
Tenualosa (Shad) (5)
Thrattidion (Round herring) (1)
Trollichthys (1)
Waihaoclupea (1)
Wisslerius (1)
Xyne (1)
Xyrinius (3)

(...) = Species count

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0