Animalia > Arthropoda > Insecta > Coleoptera > Scarabaeidae > Mecynorhina > Mecynorhina polyphemus

Mecynorhina polyphemus

Synonyms: Scarabaeus polyphemus

Wikipedia Abstract

Mecynorhina polyphemus is a large scarab beetle of the subfamily Cetoniinae found in dense tropical African forests. It is a frequent feeder on fruits and sap flows from tree wounds. There are several varieties including M. polyphemus polyphemus, M. polyphemus confluens, and M. polyphemus rufuino. The larvae develop in decomposing log compost. The third instar constructs an ovoid cocoon for metamorphosis and attaches it to a solid surface. In captivity, the instar may attach the cocoon to a glass container wall allowing the opportunity to view the transformation.
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Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0