Animalia > Arthropoda > Insecta > Odonata > Synthemistidae > Choristhemis > Choristhemis olivei

Choristhemis olivei (Delicate Tigertail)

Synonyms: Synthemis olivei

Wikipedia Abstract

Choristhemis olivei, more commonly known as delicate tigertail, is a species of Odonata spanning from the family Corduliidae and the genus Choristhemis. This species originates from north-eastern Queensland, Australia, and some scientists speculate that this species are endemic to Mount Lewis. Specimens of the Choristhemis olivei were first discovered in 1908 by R. J. Tillyard when two males of this species were found in Australia and documented in 1909. In 1999, one additional male was collected and documented by Günther Theischinger. The species is also noted in the Zoological Society of London. More recently, two scientists discovered a multitude of Choristhemis olivei on Thornton Peak, located on Cape Tribulation. One of these scientists took a sample of the larvae found on Thornton Pe
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External References


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Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0