Animalia > Arthropoda > Insecta > Lepidoptera > Hepialidae > Zelotypia > Zelotypia stacyi

Zelotypia stacyi (Bentwing ghost moth)

Synonyms: Xylopsyche stacyi; Xylopsyche stacyii; Zelotypia sinuosa; Zelotypia staceyi

Wikipedia Abstract

Zelotypia is a monotypic moth genus of the family Hepialidae. The only described species is Z. stacyi, the bentwing ghost moth, which is only found in Queensland and New South Wales, Australia. This is a very large species with a wingspan of up to 250 mm. The larva feeds and pupates in the trunks and branches of Eucalyptus.
View Wikipedia Record: Zelotypia stacyi

Prey / Diet

Eucalyptus punctata (gray gum)[1]
Eucalyptus saligna (Sydney bluegum)[1]

External References


Attributes / relations provided by
1HOSTS - a Database of the World's Lepidopteran Hostplants Gaden S. Robinson, Phillip R. Ackery, Ian J. Kitching, George W. Beccaloni AND Luis M. Hernández
Abstract provided by DBpedia licensed under a Creative Commons License
Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0