Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Malpighiales > Euphorbiaceae > Acalypha

Acalypha (copperleaf)


Wikipedia Abstract

Acalypha is a genus of flowering plants in the family Euphorbiaceae. It is the sole genus of the subtribe Acalyphinae. It is one of the largest euphorb genera, with approximately 450 to 462 species. The genus name Acalypha is from the Greek akalephes ("nettle"), and was inspired by the nettle-like leaves. General common names include copperleaf. The genus is distributed mainly in the tropics and subtropics, with about 60% of species native to the Americas and about 30% in Africa.
View Wikipedia Record: Acalypha


Acalypha abingdonii (Attributes)
Acalypha acapulcensis (Attributes)
Acalypha accedens (Attributes)
Acalypha acerosa
Acalypha acmophylla
Acalypha acrogyna (Attributes)
Acalypha acuminata (Attributes)
Acalypha adamsii
Acalypha adenostachya (Attributes)
Acalypha aequalis
Acalypha aliena (Attributes)
Acalypha allenae
Acalypha allenii (Attributes)
Acalypha almadinensis
Acalypha alopecuroidea (foxtail copperleaf)
Acalypha alopecuroides
Acalypha ambigua (Attributes)
Acalypha amblyodonta (Attributes)
Acalypha amentacea (Wilkes' acalypha) (Attributes)
Acalypha amithii
Acalypha amplexicaulis (Attributes)
Acalypha ampliata (Attributes)
Acalypha anadenia (Attributes)
Acalypha anemioides (Attributes)
Acalypha angatensis (Attributes)
Acalypha angustata (Attributes)
Acalypha angustifolia (Attributes)
Acalypha angustissima (Attributes)
Acalypha annobonae (Attributes)
Acalypha apetiolata (Attributes)
Acalypha apodanthes (Attributes)
Acalypha arciana (Attributes)
Acalypha argentii (Attributes)
Acalypha argomuelleri (Attributes)
Acalypha argomulleri
Acalypha aronioides (Attributes)
Acalypha arvensis (field copperleaf) (Attributes)
Acalypha aspericocca (Attributes)
Acalypha australis (Asian copperleaf) (Attributes)
Acalypha bailloniana
Acalypha balansae (Attributes)
Acalypha balgooyi (Attributes)
Acalypha baretiae
Acalypha beckii (Attributes)
Acalypha benguelensis (Attributes)
Acalypha berteroana (Guayama Copperleaf) (Attributes)
Acalypha bicolor <Unverified Name>
Acalypha bipartita (Attributes)
Acalypha bisetosa (streambank copperleaf) (Attributes)
Acalypha boinensis (Attributes)
Acalypha boiviniana (Attributes)
Acalypha boliviensis (Attributes)
Acalypha botteriana (Attributes)
Acalypha brachyclada (Attributes)
Acalypha brachystachya (Attributes)
Acalypha brasiliensis (Attributes)
Acalypha brevibracteata (Attributes)
Acalypha brevicaulis (Attributes)
Acalypha buddleiaefolia
Acalypha buddleifolia (Attributes)
Acalypha bullata (Attributes)
Acalypha burmanii
Acalypha burquezii (Attributes)
Acalypha bussei (Endangered) (Attributes)
Acalypha caeciliae (Attributes)
Acalypha californica (California copperleaf) (Attributes)
Acalypha campylostyla
Acalypha capensis (Attributes)
Acalypha caperonioides (Attributes)
Acalypha capillipes (Attributes)
Acalypha capitata (Attributes)
Acalypha cardiophylla (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Acalypha carpinifolia
Acalypha carrascoana (Attributes)
Acalypha carthagenensis (Attributes)
Acalypha castroviejoi (Attributes)
Acalypha caturus (Attributes)
Acalypha caucana
Acalypha ceraceopunctata (Attributes)
Acalypha chamaedrifolia (Attributes)
Acalypha chaquensis
Acalypha chiapensis (Attributes)
Acalypha chibomboa (Attributes)
Acalypha chirindica (Attributes)
Acalypha chlorocardia (Attributes)
Acalypha chocoana (Attributes)
Acalypha chordantha (Attributes)
Acalypha chorisandra (Attributes)
Acalypha chuniana (Attributes)
Acalypha ciliata (Attributes)
Acalypha cincta (Attributes)
Acalypha cinerea (Attributes)
Acalypha claoxyloides (Attributes)
Acalypha claussenii (Attributes)
Acalypha clutioides (Attributes)
Acalypha coleaespica
Acalypha coleispica (Attributes)
Acalypha commersoniana
Acalypha communis
Acalypha comonduana (Attributes)
Acalypha confertiflora (Attributes)
Acalypha conspicua (Attributes)
Acalypha contermina (Attributes)
Acalypha cordata
Acalypha cordobensis
Acalypha costaricensis (Attributes)
Acalypha crenata (Attributes)
Acalypha cristata (Attributes)
Acalypha crockeri (Attributes)
Acalypha cubensis (Attributes)
Acalypha cuneata (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Acalypha cuprea (Attributes)
Acalypha cupricola (Attributes)
Acalypha cuspidata (Attributes)
Acalypha dalzellii (Attributes)
Acalypha deamii (Deam's threeseed mercury) (Attributes)
Acalypha decaryana (Attributes)
Acalypha decumbens
Acalypha delgadoana (Attributes)
Acalypha delicata (Attributes)
Acalypha delpyana (Attributes)
Acalypha deltoidea (Attributes)
Acalypha depauperata (Attributes)
Acalypha depressinervia (Attributes)
Acalypha dewevrei (Attributes)
Acalypha dictyoneura (Attributes)
Acalypha digynostachya (Attributes)
Acalypha dikuluwensis (Extinct) (Attributes)
Acalypha diminuata (Attributes)
Acalypha diminuta
Acalypha dimorpha (Attributes)
Acalypha dioica (Attributes)
Acalypha distans (Attributes)
Acalypha distorta <Unverified Name>
Acalypha divaricata (Attributes)
Acalypha diversifolia (Attributes)
Acalypha dregei (Attributes)
Acalypha dumetorum (Attributes)
Acalypha eastmostpointensis
Acalypha echinus (Attributes)
Acalypha ecklonii (Attributes)
Acalypha elizabethae
Acalypha elizabethiae (Attributes)
Acalypha elliptica (Attributes)
Acalypha elskensii (Attributes)
Acalypha emirnensis (Endangered) (Attributes)
Acalypha engleri (Attributes)
Acalypha erecta (Attributes)
Acalypha eremorum (Attributes)
Acalypha eriophylla (Attributes)
Acalypha eriophylloides (Attributes)
Acalypha erubescens (Attributes)
Acalypha euphrasiostachys (Attributes)
Acalypha fasciculata (Attributes)
Acalypha ferdinandi
Acalypha filiformis (Attributes)
Acalypha filipes (Attributes)
Acalypha fimbriata (Attributes)
Acalypha firmula (Attributes)
Acalypha fissa (Attributes)
Acalypha flaccida (Attributes)
Acalypha flagellata (Attributes)
Acalypha flavescens (Attributes)
Acalypha floresensis (Attributes)
Acalypha forbesii (Attributes)
Acalypha formosa
Acalypha forsteriana (Attributes)
Acalypha fournieri (Attributes)
Acalypha fragilis (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Acalypha fredericii (Attributes)
Acalypha fruticosa (Attributes)
Acalypha fulva (Attributes)
Acalypha fuscescens (Attributes)
Acalypha gaumeri (Attributes)
Acalypha gentlei (Attributes)
Acalypha gibsonii
Acalypha gigantesca (Attributes)
Acalypha gillespieae
Acalypha gillmanii (Endangered) (Attributes)
Acalypha glabrata (Attributes)
Acalypha glandulifolia (Attributes)
Acalypha glandulosa (Attributes)
Acalypha glechomaefolia
Acalypha glechomifolia (Attributes)
Acalypha gossweileri (Attributes)
Acalypha gracilens (slender threeseed mercury) (Attributes)
Acalypha gracilipes
Acalypha gracilis (Attributes)
Acalypha grandibracteata (Attributes)
Acalypha grandidis
Acalypha grandis (Attributes)
Acalypha grandispicata
Acalypha grisea (Attributes)
Acalypha grisebachiana (Attributes)
Acalypha grueningiana (Attributes)
Acalypha guatemalensis (Attributes)
Acalypha guineensis (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Acalypha gummifera (Attributes)
Acalypha hainanensis (Attributes)
Acalypha haploclada (Attributes)
Acalypha hassleriana (Attributes)
Acalypha havanensis (Attributes)
Acalypha helenae (Attributes)
Acalypha hellwigii (Attributes)
Acalypha herzogiana (Attributes)
Acalypha hibiscifolia (Attributes)
Acalypha hispida (red-hot cat's tail) (Attributes)
Acalypha hochstetteriana (Attributes)
Acalypha homblei (Attributes)
Acalypha huillensis (Attributes)
Acalypha humbertii (Attributes)
Acalypha humboltiana (Attributes)
Acalypha hutchinsonii (Attributes)
Acalypha hypogaea (Attributes)
Acalypha inaequilatera (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Acalypha indica (Attributes)
Acalypha induta
Acalypha infesta (Attributes)
Acalypha inselbergensis
Acalypha insulana (Attributes)
Acalypha integrifolia (Attributes)
Acalypha intermedia (Attributes)
Acalypha japonica
Acalypha jerzedowskii (Attributes)
Acalypha jubifera (Attributes)
Acalypha juruana (Attributes)
Acalypha karwinskii (Attributes)
Acalypha katharinae (Attributes)
Acalypha kerrii (Attributes)
Acalypha klotzschiana
Acalypha klotzschii (Attributes)
Acalypha koraensis (Attributes)
Acalypha laevigata (Attributes)
Acalypha lagascana (Attributes)
Acalypha lagoensis (Attributes)
Acalypha lagopus (Attributes)
Acalypha lamiana
Acalypha lanceolata (Attributes)
Acalypha lancetillae (Attributes)
Acalypha langiana (Attributes)
Acalypha languida
Acalypha laxiflora (Attributes)
Acalypha leandrii
Acalypha lechleri
Acalypha leicesterfieldiensis (Attributes)
Acalypha leonii (Attributes)
Acalypha lepidopagensis (Attributes)
Acalypha lepinei (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Acalypha lepostachya
Acalypha leptoclada (Attributes)
Acalypha leptomyura (Attributes)
Acalypha leptopoda (Attributes)
Acalypha leptorhachis (Attributes)
Acalypha liebmanniana (Attributes)
Acalypha lignosa (Attributes)
Acalypha lindeniana (Attributes)
Acalypha linearifolia (Attributes)
Acalypha longestipularis
Acalypha longipes (Attributes)
Acalypha longipetiolata (Attributes)
Acalypha longispica (Attributes)
Acalypha longispicata (Attributes)
Acalypha longistipularis (Attributes)
Acalypha lovelandii (Attributes)
Acalypha lycioides (Attributes)
Acalypha lyonsii (Attributes)
Acalypha machiensis
Acalypha macrodonta (Attributes)
Acalypha macrostachya (Attributes)
Acalypha macrostachyoides (Attributes)
Acalypha macularis (Attributes)
Acalypha maestrensis (Attributes)
Acalypha mairei (Attributes)
Acalypha malabarica (Attributes)
Acalypha malawiensis (Attributes)
Acalypha manniana (Attributes)
Acalypha marginata
Acalypha marissima (Endangered) (Attributes)
Acalypha marniana
Acalypha martiana (Attributes)
Acalypha matsudae
Acalypha mayottensis
Acalypha medibracteata (Attributes)
Acalypha melochiifolia (Attributes)
Acalypha membranacea (Attributes)
Acalypha menavody
Acalypha mentiens (Attributes)
Acalypha mexicana (Mexican copperleaf) (Attributes)
Acalypha michoacanensis (Attributes)
Acalypha microcephala (Attributes)
Acalypha microgyne
Acalypha microphylla (Attributes)
Acalypha mogotensis (Attributes)
Acalypha mollis (Attributes)
Acalypha monococca (slender threeseed mercury) (Attributes)
Acalypha monostachya (round copperleaf) (Attributes)
Acalypha monstrosa
Acalypha mortoniana (Attributes)
Acalypha muelleriana (Attributes)
Acalypha multicaulis (Attributes)
Acalypha multifida (Attributes)
Acalypha multispicata (Attributes)
Acalypha mutisii (Attributes)
Acalypha myricina
Acalypha nana (Attributes)
Acalypha neeana
Acalypha nemorum (Attributes)
Acalypha neomexicana (New Mexico copperleaf) (Attributes)
Acalypha neptunica (Attributes)
Acalypha nervulosa (Attributes)
Acalypha noronhae (Attributes)
Acalypha novoguineensis (Attributes)
Acalypha nubicola (Attributes)
Acalypha nusbaumeri
Acalypha nyasica (Attributes)
Acalypha oblancifolia (Attributes)
Acalypha obscura (Attributes)
Acalypha ocymoides (Attributes)
Acalypha oligantha (Attributes)
Acalypha oligodonta (Attributes)
Acalypha omissa (Attributes)
Acalypha oreopola (Attributes)
Acalypha ornata (Attributes)
Acalypha ostryifolia (pineland threeseed mercury)
Acalypha oxyodonta (Attributes)
Acalypha padifolia (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Acalypha pallescens (Attributes)
Acalypha palmeri (Attributes)
Acalypha pancheriana (Attributes)
Acalypha paniculata (Attributes)
Acalypha papillosa (Attributes)
Acalypha parvula (Attributes)
Acalypha patens (Attributes)
Acalypha paucifolia (Attributes)
Acalypha paupercula (Attributes)
Acalypha peckoltii (Attributes)
Acalypha pedemontana
Acalypha peduncularis (Attributes)
Acalypha pendula (Attributes)
Acalypha perrieri (Attributes)
Acalypha persimilis (pineland threeseed mercury) (Attributes)
Acalypha peruviana (Attributes)
Acalypha pervilleana (Attributes)
Acalypha philippinensis
Acalypha phleoides (shrubby copperleaf) (Attributes)
Acalypha phyllonomifolia (Attributes)
Acalypha pilosa (Attributes)
Acalypha pippenii (Attributes)
Acalypha pittieri
Acalypha platyphylla (Attributes)
Acalypha pleiogyne (Attributes)
Acalypha plicata (Attributes)
Acalypha pohliana (Attributes)
Acalypha poiretii (Poiret's copperleaf) (Attributes)
Acalypha poltstachya
Acalypha polymorpha (Attributes)
Acalypha polystachya (Attributes)
Acalypha portoricensis (Puerto Rico copperleaf) (Attributes)
Acalypha pruinosa (Attributes)
Acalypha pruriens (Attributes)
Acalypha psamofila (Vulnerable)
Acalypha pseudalopecuroides (Attributes)
Acalypha pseudovagans (Attributes)
Acalypha psilostachya (Attributes)
Acalypha pubiflora (Attributes)
Acalypha pulchrespicata (Attributes)
Acalypha pulogensis (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Acalypha punctata (Attributes)
Acalypha purpurascens (Attributes)
Acalypha purpusii (Attributes)
Acalypha pycnantha (Attributes)
Acalypha pygmaea (Attributes)
Acalypha racemosa
Acalypha radians (cardinal's feather) (Attributes)
Acalypha radicans (Attributes)
Acalypha radinostachya (Attributes)
Acalypha radula (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Acalypha rafaelensis (Attributes)
Acalypha raivavensis (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Acalypha rapensis (Attributes)
Acalypha reflexa (Attributes)
Acalypha repanda (Attributes)
Acalypha retifera (Attributes)
Acalypha rheedei
Acalypha rhombifolia (Attributes)
Acalypha rhomboidea (common threeseed mercury) (Attributes)
Acalypha richardiana (Attributes)
Acalypha riedeliana (Attributes)
Acalypha rivularis (Attributes)
Acalypha rottleroides (Attributes)
Acalypha rubra
Acalypha rubrinervis (Stringwood) (Extinct)
Acalypha rubroserrata (Attributes)
Acalypha ruderalis (Attributes)
Acalypha ruiziana (Attributes)
Acalypha rupestris (Attributes)
Acalypha sabulicola (Attributes)
Acalypha salicifolia (Attributes)
Acalypha salicina (Attributes)
Acalypha salvadorensis (Attributes)
Acalypha salviifolia (Attributes)
Acalypha sanderiana
Acalypha saxicola (Attributes)
Acalypha scabrosa (Attributes)
Acalypha scandens (Attributes)
Acalypha schiedeana (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Acalypha schlechtendaliana (Attributes)
Acalypha schlechteri (Attributes)
Acalypha schlumbergeri (Attributes)
Acalypha schneideriana
Acalypha schreiteri (Attributes)
Acalypha schultesii (Attributes)
Acalypha scleroloba
Acalypha segetalis (Attributes)
Acalypha sehnemii (Attributes)
Acalypha seleriana (Attributes)
Acalypha seminuda (Attributes)
Acalypha senilis (Attributes)
Acalypha septemloba (Attributes)
Acalypha sericea (Attributes)
Acalypha sessilifolia (Attributes)
Acalypha setosa (Cuban copperleaf) (Attributes)
Acalypha siamensis (Attributes)
Acalypha simplicistyla (Attributes)
Acalypha skutchii (Attributes)
Acalypha sonderi (Attributes)
Acalypha sonderiana (Attributes)
Acalypha spachiana (Attributes)
Acalypha spec
Acalypha spectabilis (Attributes)
Acalypha stachyura (Attributes)
Acalypha stellata (Attributes)
Acalypha stenoloba (Attributes)
Acalypha stenophylla (Attributes)
Acalypha stricta (Attributes)
Acalypha striolata
Acalypha subcastrata (Attributes)
Acalypha subintegra (Attributes)
Acalypha subsana (Attributes)
Acalypha subscandens (Attributes)
Acalypha subterranea (Attributes)
Acalypha subtomentosa (Attributes)
Acalypha subviscida (Attributes)
Acalypha swallowensis (Attributes)
Acalypha synoica (Attributes)
Acalypha tacanensis (Attributes)
Acalypha taiwanensis
Acalypha tenuicauda (Attributes)
Acalypha tenuifolia (Attributes)
Acalypha tenuiramea (Attributes)
Acalypha tomentosa (Attributes)
Acalypha trachyloba (Attributes)
Acalypha tricholoba (Attributes)
Acalypha tricolor
Acalypha trilaciniata (Attributes)
Acalypha triloba (Attributes)
Acalypha trilobafolia
Acalypha triplinervia
Acalypha uleana (Attributes)
Acalypha umbrosa (Attributes)
Acalypha urophylla
Acalypha urostachya (Attributes)
Acalypha vagans (Attributes)
Acalypha vallartae (Attributes)
Acalypha variabilis (Attributes)
Acalypha vellamea (Attributes)
Acalypha velutina (Attributes)
Acalypha venezuelica (Attributes)
Acalypha verbenacea (Attributes)
Acalypha veronicoides (Attributes)
Acalypha villicaulis (Attributes)
Acalypha villosa (Attributes)
Acalypha virgata (Attributes)
Acalypha virginica (Virginia threeseed mercury) (Attributes)
Acalypha volkensii (Attributes)
Acalypha vulneraria (Attributes)
Acalypha wallichiana
Acalypha websteri (Attributes)
Acalypha weddelliana (Attributes)
Acalypha welwitschiana (Attributes)
Acalypha wigginsii (Attributes)
Acalypha wilderi (Extinct) (Attributes)
Acalypha wilkesiana (Wilkes' acalypha) (Attributes)
Acalypha wilmsii (Attributes)
Acalypha wui (Attributes)
Acalypha wythei
Acalypha zeyheri (Attributes)
Acalypha zollingeri (Attributes)

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0