Animalia > Chordata > Aves > Passeriformes > Parulidae > Setophaga

Setophaga (redstarts)


Wikipedia Abstract

Setophaga is a genus of birds of the New World warbler family Parulidae. It contains at least 33 species. The males in breeding plumage are often highly colorful. The Setophaga warblers are an example of adaptive radiation with the various species using different feeding techniques and often feeding in different parts of the same tree.
View Wikipedia Record: Setophaga


Setophaga adelaidae (Adelaide's Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga aestiva (American Yellow Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga americana (Northern Parula) (Attributes)
Setophaga angelae (Elfin-woods Warbler) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Setophaga auduboni (Audubon's Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga caerulescens (Black-throated Blue Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga castanea (Bay-breasted Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga cerulea (Cerulean Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga chrysoparia (Golden-cheeked Warbler) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Setophaga citrina (Hooded Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga coronata (Yellow-rumped Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga delicata (St. Lucia Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga discolor (Prairie Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga dominica (Yellow-throated Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga flavescens (Bahama warbler) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Setophaga fusca (Blackburnian Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga goldmani (Yellow-rumped warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga graciae (Grace's Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga kirtlandii (Kirtland's Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga magnolia (Magnolia Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga nigrescens (Black-throated Grey Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga occidentalis (Hermit Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga palmarum (Palm Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga pensylvanica (Chestnut-sided Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga petechia (Yellow Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga pharetra (Arrowhead Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga pinus (Pine Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga pitiayumi (Tropical Parula) (Attributes)
Setophaga pityophila (Olive-capped Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga plumbea (Plumbeous Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga ruticilla (American Redstart) (Attributes)
Setophaga striata (blackpoll warbler)
Setophaga subita (Barbuda Warbler) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Setophaga tigrina (Cape May Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga townsendi (Townsend's Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga virens (Black-throated Green Warbler) (Attributes)
Setophaga vitellina (Vitelline Warbler) (Attributes)

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0