Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Asterales > Asteraceae > Packera

Packera (ragwort)

Wikipedia Abstract

Packera is a genus of about 64 species of plants in the composite family, Asteraceae. Its members were previously included in the genus Senecio (where they were called aureoid senecios by Asa Gray), but were divided out based on chromosome numbers, a variety of morphological characters, and molecular phylogeny.
View Wikipedia Record: Packera


Packera actinella (Flagstaff ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera anonyma (Small's ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera antennariifolia (shale barren ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera aurea (Golden Ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera bellidifolia
Packera bernardina (San Bernardino ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera bolanderi (Bolander's ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera breweri (Brewer's ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera cana (Attributes)
Packera candidissima
Packera cardamine (bittercress ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera castoreus (Beaver Mountain ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera clevelandii (hayfield tarweed) (Attributes)
Packera coahuilensis (Attributes)
Packera contermina (northwestern groundsel) (Attributes)
Packera crawfordii (balsam groundsel) (Attributes)
Packera crocata (saffron ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera cymbalaria (dwarf arctic ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera cynthioides (White Mountain ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera debilis
Packera dimorphophylla (splitleaf groundsel) (Attributes)
Packera dubia
Packera eurycephala (widehead groundsel)
Packera fendleri (Fendler's ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera flettii (Flett's ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera franciscana (San Francisco Peaks ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera ganderi (Gander's ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera glabella (butterweed) (Attributes)
Packera greenei (flame ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera hartiana (Hart's ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera hesperia (western ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera heterophylla
Packera hintoniorum (Attributes)
Packera hyperborealis (northern groundsel) (Attributes)
Packera indecora (elegant groundsel) (Attributes)
Packera insulae-regalis
Packera ionophylla (Tehachapi ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera layneae (Layne's ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera loratifolia (Attributes)
Packera macounii (Siskiyou Mountains ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera malmstenii (Podunk ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera mancosana
Packera mancosiana
Packera memmingeri
Packera millefolia (piedmont ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera millelobata (Uinta ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera montereyana
Packera monterreyana
Packera moranii
Packera multilobata (lobeleaf groundsel) (Attributes)
Packera musiniensis (Musinea ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera neomexicana (New Mexico groundsel) (Attributes)
Packera obovata (roundleaf ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera ogotorukensis (Ogotoruk Creek ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera pauciflora (alpine groundsel) (Attributes)
Packera paupercula (Balsam groundsel)
Packera plattensis (Prairie groundsel) (Attributes)
Packera porteri (Porter's groundsel) (Attributes)
Packera pseudaurea (falsegold groundsel) (Attributes)
Packera quebradensis
Packera quercetorum (Oak Creek ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera rosei (Attributes)
Packera sanguisorbae (Attributes)
Packera sanguisorboides (burnet ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera scalaris
Packera schweinitziana (Schweinitz's ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera serpenticola
Packera spellenbergii (Carrizo Creek ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera streptanthifolia (Rocky Mountain groundsel) (Attributes)
Packera subnuda (Buek's groundsel) (Attributes)
Packera tampicana (Great Plains ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera texana
Packera texensis
Packera thurberi (Attributes)
Packera toluccana (Attributes)
Packera tomentosa (woolly ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera tridenticulata (threetooth ragwort) (Attributes)
Packera umbraculifera
Packera werneriifolia (hoary groundsel) (Attributes)
Packera zimapanica (Attributes)

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0