Plantae > Tracheophyta > Liliopsida > Asparagales > Asparagaceae > Agave

Agave (agave)


Wikipedia Abstract

Agave (US: /əˈɡɑːviː/, UK: /əˈɡeɪviː/, Anglo-Hispanic: /əˈɡɑːveɪ/) is a genus of monocots native to the hot and arid regions of Mexico and the Southwestern United States. Some agave species are also native to tropical areas of South America. The plants are perennial, but each rosette flowers once and then dies (see semelparity). Some species are known by the name "century plant".
View Wikipedia Record: Agave


Agave abisaii (Endangered)
Agave acicularis (Attributes)
Agave acklinicola (Attributes)
Agave acuispina
Agave ajoensis (Attributes)
Agave aktites (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave albescens (Attributes)
Agave alboaustralis
Agave albomarginata (Endangered) (Attributes)
Agave albopilosa (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Agave americana (American century plant) (Attributes)
Agave amica (Tuberose) (Attributes)
Agave andreae (Vulnerable)
Agave angustiarum (Attributes)
Agave angustifolia (Caribbean Agave)
Agave anomala (Attributes)
Agave antillarum (Attributes)
Agave apedicellata
Agave applanata (Attributes)
Agave arcedianoensis (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave arizonica (Attributes)
Agave arubensis (Attributes)
Agave aspera
Agave asperrima (rough century plant) (Attributes)
Agave atrovirens (maguey) (Attributes)
Agave attenuata (lion's tail) (Attributes)
Agave aurea (Attributes)
Agave avellanidens (Attributes)
Agave azurea (Vulnerable)
Agave bahamana (Attributes)
Agave bicolor
Agave boldinghiana (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave bovicornuta (Cowhorn Agave) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave braceana (Attributes)
Agave bracteosa (spider agave) (Attributes)
Agave brevipetala (Attributes)
Agave brevispina (Attributes)
Agave brittoniana (Attributes)
Agave brunnea
Agave bulbulifera
Agave bulliana
Agave cacozela (Endangered) (Attributes)
Agave cajalbanensis (Attributes)
Agave calodonta (Attributes)
Agave caribaeicola (Attributes)
Agave caymanensis (Endangered)
Agave cerulata (Attributes)
Agave chamelensis
Agave chazaroi (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave chiapensis (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave chrysantha (goldenflower century plant) (Attributes)
Agave chrysoglossa (Attributes)
Agave cocui (Attributes)
Agave coerulescens
Agave coetocapnia
Agave collina (Attributes)
Agave colorata (Attributes)
Agave confertiflora
Agave congesta (Attributes)
Agave convallis (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave cremnophila
Agave cundinamarcensis (Endangered) (Attributes)
Agave cupreata (Endangered) (Attributes)
Agave dasyliriodes
Agave datylio (Attributes)
Agave dealbata (Endangered) (Attributes)
Agave debilis
Agave decipiens (false sisal) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave delamateri (Tonto Basin century plant) (Attributes)
Agave demeesteriana (Attributes)
Agave deserti (desert agave) (Attributes)
Agave difformis (Attributes)
Agave doctorensis (Critically Endangered)
Agave dolichantha
Agave durangensis (Attributes)
Agave dussiana (Attributes)
Agave eggersiana (Eggers' century plant) (Attributes)
Agave ellemeetiana (Attributes)
Agave ensifera (Attributes)
Agave eocenica
Agave evadens (Attributes)
Agave felgeri (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave filifera (Attributes)
Agave flexispina (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave fortiflora (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Agave fourcroydes (henequen) (Attributes)
Agave fourcroytes <Unverified Name>
Agave francescini <Unverified Name>
Agave funkiana (Attributes)
Agave fusca
Agave galvaniae
Agave garciae-mendozae (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave garciaruizii
Agave geminiflora (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave gentryi (Attributes)
Agave ghiesbreghtii (Attributes)
Agave gigantensis (Attributes)
Agave gilbertii (Attributes)
Agave glomeruliflora (Chisos Mountain century plant) (Attributes)
Agave gomezpompae (Vulnerable)
Agave gracielae
Agave gracilipes (slimfoot century plant) (Attributes)
Agave gracillima
Agave graminifolia
Agave grisea (Attributes)
Agave guadalajarana (Endangered) (Attributes)
Agave guemensis
Agave guerrerensis
Agave guiengola (Creme Brulee Agave) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Agave guttata
Agave gypsophila (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Agave harrisii (Attributes)
Agave hauniensis
Agave havardiana (Havard's century plant) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave hiemiflora (Attributes)
Agave hookeri (Attributes)
Agave horrida (Attributes)
Agave howardii
Agave hurteri (Attributes)
Agave hybr
Agave impressa (Endangered) (Attributes)
Agave inaequidens (Attributes)
Agave inaguensis (Attributes)
Agave indagatorum (Attributes)
Agave infiernilloensis
Agave intermixta (Attributes)
Agave involuta
Agave isthmensis (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave jaiboli (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave jaliscana
Agave jarucoensis (Attributes)
Agave jimenoi
Agave justosierrana
Agave karatto (Attributes)
Agave karwinskii (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave kavandivi (Critically Endangered)
Agave kerchovei (Vulnerable)
Agave kewensis (Endangered) (Attributes)
Agave kristenii (Critically Endangered)
Agave lagunae (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Agave lecheguilla (lechuguilla) (Attributes)
Agave lechuguilla (Lecheguilla Agave)
Agave leopoldii
Agave littoralis
Agave longibracteata
Agave longiflora (longflower tuberose) (Attributes)
Agave longipes (Attributes)
Agave macracantha
Agave macroacantha (Endangered) (Attributes)
Agave maculata (spice lily) (Attributes)
Agave madrensis
Agave manantlanicola (Endangered)
Agave mapisaga (Attributes)
Agave margaritae (Attributes)
Agave maria-patriciae
Agave marmorata (Attributes)
Agave massiliensis
Agave maximiliana (Attributes)
Agave mckelveyana (Attributes)
Agave melanacantha (Attributes)
Agave michoacana
Agave microceps (Attributes)
Agave millspaughii (Attributes)
Agave minor (Attributes)
Agave missionum (corita) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave mitis (Attributes)
Agave montana (Attributes)
Agave montium-sancticaroli (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Agave moranii (Attributes)
Agave multicolor
Agave multifilifera (Attributes)
Agave murpheyi (Murphey's century plant) (Attributes)
Agave nanchititlensis
Agave nashii (Endangered) (Attributes)
Agave nayaritensis (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave neocernua
Agave neonelsonii
Agave neopringlei
Agave nickelsiae (Critically Endangered)
Agave nigrescens
Agave nizandensis (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Agave nuusaviorum (Vulnerable)
Agave oaxacana
Agave obscura (Attributes)
Agave ocahui (Attributes)
Agave occidentalis
Agave offoyana
Agave origiesiana
Agave ornithobroma (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave oroensis (Attributes)
Agave ortgiesiana (Attributes)
Agave oteroi
Agave ovatifolia (Attributes)
Agave pablocarrilloi
Agave pachycentra (Attributes)
Agave palmeri (Palmer's century plant) (Attributes)
Agave palustris
Agave panamana
Agave paniculata
Agave papyriocarpa
Agave papyrocarpa (Attributes)
Agave parrasana (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave parryi (Parry's agave) (Attributes)
Agave parva
Agave parvidentata (Attributes)
Agave parviflora (smallflower century plant) (Attributes)
Agave pax (Critically Endangered)
Agave peacockii (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave pedunculifera
Agave pelona (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Agave pendula (Attributes)
Agave petiolata (Attributes)
Agave petrophila (Endangered) (Attributes)
Agave petskinil
Agave phillipsiana (Grand Canyon century plant) (Attributes)
Agave pintilla (Critically Endangered)
Agave planifolia
Agave platyphylla
Agave polianthiflora (Attributes)
Agave polyacantha (Attributes)
Agave potatorum (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave potosina
Agave potrerana (Vulnerable)
Agave potreriana (Attributes)
Agave pratensis
Agave pringlei
Agave producta
Agave promontori <Unverified Name> (Critically Endangered)
Agave protuberans
Agave pubescens
Agave pumila (Attributes)
Agave quilae
Agave revoluta
Agave rhodacantha (Attributes)
Agave rosei
Agave rossellonensis
Agave rovelliana
Agave rutteniae (Attributes)
Agave rzedowskiana (Attributes)
Agave salmiana (Attributes)
Agave sanpedroensis
Agave santana-michelii
Agave scabra
Agave scaposa (Attributes)
Agave schidigera (Attributes)
Agave schildigera
Agave schneideriana (Attributes)
Agave schottii (Schott's century plant) (Attributes)
Agave sebastiana (Attributes)
Agave seemanniana (Attributes)
Agave shaferi (Attributes)
Agave shawii (coastal agave) (Attributes)
Agave shrevei (Attributes)
Agave sileri (Siler's tuberose) (Attributes)
Agave simplex (Attributes)
Agave singuliflora
Agave sisalana (sisal hemp) (Attributes)
Agave sobolifera (Attributes)
Agave sobria (Attributes)
Agave spec
Agave spicata (Attributes)
Agave stictata
Agave striata (Attributes)
Agave stricta (Attributes)
Agave stringens (Attributes)
Agave subsimplex (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave tecta (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Agave temacapulinensis (Critically Endangered)
Agave tenuifolia (Attributes)
Agave tequilana (tequila agave) (Attributes)
Agave tequilero <Unverified Name>
Agave thomasae
Agave thomasiae (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave titanota (Endangered) (Attributes)
Agave toumeyana (Toumey's century plant) (Attributes)
Agave triangularis (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave tubulata (Attributes)
Agave turneri (Endangered)
Agave umbrophila
Agave underwoodii (Attributes)
Agave undulata
Agave univittata (McKelvey's century plant) (Attributes)
Agave utahensis (Utah agave) (Attributes)
Agave valenciana (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Agave variegata (mottled tuberose) (Attributes)
Agave vazquezgarciae (Attributes)
Agave venustuliflora
Agave vera-cruz (Attributes)
Agave verdensis
Agave verhoekiae
Agave vicina (Attributes)
Agave victoriae-reginae (Queen Victoria's agave) (Attributes)
Agave vilmoriniana (Octopus agave) (Attributes)
Agave virginica (false aloe) (Attributes)
Agave vivipara (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Agave vizcainoensis (Attributes)
Agave wallisii (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Agave warelliana (Endangered) (Attributes)
Agave weberi (Weber's century plant) (Attributes)
Agave wendtii (Endangered)
Agave wercklei (Attributes)
Agave wildingii (Attributes)
Agave wocomahi (Attributes)
Agave xylonacantha (century plant) (Attributes)
Agave yavapaiensis
Agave zapopanensis
Agave zebra (Vulnerable) (Attributes)

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0