Plantae > Tracheophyta > Liliopsida > Asparagales > Orchidaceae > Platanthera

Platanthera (fringed orchid)


Wikipedia Abstract

The genus Platanthera belongs to the subfamily Orchidoideae of the family Orchidaceae, and comprises about 100 species of orchids. The members of this genus, known as the butterfly orchids or fringed orchids, were previously included in the genus Orchis, which is a close relative (along with the genus Habenaria). They are distributed throughout the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. They are terrestrial and have tubercules.
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Platanthera acuifera
Platanthera albomarginata
Platanthera algeriensis
Platanthera amabilis
Platanthera anatina
Platanthera andrewsii
Platanthera angustata
Platanthera angustilabris
Platanthera apalachicola
Platanthera aquilonis (northern green orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera australis
Platanthera azorica
Platanthera bakeriana
Platanthera beckneri
Platanthera bhutanica (Vulnerable)
Platanthera bicolor
Platanthera bifolia (Butterfly Orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera blephariglottis (white fringed orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera blumei
Platanthera boninensis (Endangered)
Platanthera borneensis
Platanthera brevicalcarata
Platanthera brevifolia (shortflowered bog orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera calceoliformis (Endangered)
Platanthera calderoniae
Platanthera canbyi
Platanthera carnosilabris
Platanthera channellii
Platanthera chapmanii (Chapman's fringed orchid) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Platanthera chlorantha (Greater Butterfly-orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera chorisiana (Chimissso's orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera ciliaris (yellow fringed orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera clavellata (small green wood orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera colemanii (Coleman's rein orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera concinna
Platanthera constricta
Platanthera contigua
Platanthera convallariifolia
Platanthera cooperi (Cooper's rein orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera correllii
Platanthera cristata (crested yellow orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera deflexilabella (Vulnerable)
Platanthera densa
Platanthera devolii
Platanthera dilatata (scentbottle) (Attributes)
Platanthera dulongensis
Platanthera dyeriana
Platanthera elegans (elegant piperia) (Attributes)
Platanthera elliptica
Platanthera elmeri
Platanthera elongata (denseflower rein orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera enigma
Platanthera ephemerantha (whiteflower rein orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera epiphytica
Platanthera estesii
Platanthera fargesii
Platanthera finetiana (Vulnerable)
Platanthera flava (palegreen orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera florentia
Platanthera florentii
Platanthera formosana
Platanthera fujianensis
Platanthera fuscescens
Platanthera gigantea
Platanthera gonggana
Platanthera grandiflora (greater purple fringed orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera guangdongensis
Platanthera hachijoensis
Platanthera halconensis
Platanthera handel-mazzettii
Platanthera henryi
Platanthera hollandiae
Platanthera hologlottis
Platanthera hondoensis
Platanthera hookeri (Hooker's orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera huronensis (Huron green orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera hybrida (Attributes)
Platanthera hyperborea (northern green orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera iinumae
Platanthera inouei
Platanthera inscripta
Platanthera integra (yellow fringeless orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera integrilabia (white fringeless orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera japonica (East Asian Platanthera)
Platanthera keenanii
Platanthera kinabaluensis
Platanthera klossii
Platanthera komarovii
Platanthera kwangsiensis
Platanthera lacera (green fringed orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera lancifolia
Platanthera lassenii
Platanthera leptocaulon
Platanthera leptopetala (narrowpetal rein orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera leucophaea (prairie white fringed orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera linearifolia
Platanthera linifolia
Platanthera longebracteata
Platanthera longibracteata
Platanthera longicalcarata
Platanthera longifolia
Platanthera longiglandula (Vulnerable)
Platanthera mandarinorum
Platanthera maximowicziana
Platanthera mearnsii
Platanthera metabifolia
Platanthera michaelii (Michael's rein orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera micrantha (Habenaria micrantha) (Endangered)
Platanthera miniangustata
Platanthera minor
Platanthera minutiflora
Platanthera mixta
Platanthera muelleri
Platanthera nanlingensis
Platanthera nantousylvatica
Platanthera neglecta
Platanthera nematocaulon
Platanthera nipponica
Platanthera nivea (snowy orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera nubigena
Platanthera obtusata (bluntleaved orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera okuboi
Platanthera oligantha (Attributes)
Platanthera ophrydioides
Platanthera ophryotipuloides
Platanthera orbicularis
Platanthera orbiculata (lesser roundleaved orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera orchidis
Platanthera oreades
Platanthera oreophila (Vulnerable)
Platanthera osceola
Platanthera ovatilabris
Platanthera pachycaulon
Platanthera pachyglossa
Platanthera pallida
Platanthera papuana
Platanthera peichatieniana
Platanthera peichiatieniana
Platanthera peramoena (purple fringeless orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera pollostantha
Platanthera praeclara (Great Plains white fringed orchid) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Platanthera psycodes (lesser purple fringed orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera purpurascens (purple-petal bog orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera replicata
Platanthera reznicekii
Platanthera roseotincta
Platanthera rostrata
Platanthera sachalinensis
Platanthera saprophytica
Platanthera satyroides
Platanthera shriveri
Platanthera sikkimensis
Platanthera sonoharae
Platanthera sonoharai
Platanthera sparsiflora (sparse-flowered bog orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera stapfii
Platanthera stenantha
Platanthera stenochila
Platanthera stenoglossa
Platanthera stenostachya
Platanthera stricta (slender bog orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera superantha
Platanthera taiwanensis
Platanthera takedae
Platanthera takedai
Platanthera tenuior
Platanthera tescamnis
Platanthera tipuloides (Aleutian bog orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera transversa (royal rein orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera tricruris
Platanthera unalascensis (slenderspire orchid) (Attributes)
Platanthera uniformis
Platanthera urceolata
Platanthera ussuriensis
Platanthera vossii
Platanthera whangshanensis
Platanthera yadongensis
Platanthera yadonii (Yadon's rein orchid) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Platanthera yatabei
Platanthera yosemitensis (Yosemite Bog-orchid) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Platanthera zijinensis
Platanthera zothecina (alcove bog orchid) (Attributes)

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0