Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Fabales > Fabaceae > Oxytropis

Oxytropis (locoweed)

Synonyms: Aragallus; Oxitropis; Physocalyx; Spiesia

Wikipedia Abstract

Oxytropis is a genus of plants in the legume family. It is one of three genera of plants known as locoweeds, and are notorious for being toxic to grazing animals. The other locoweed genus is the closely related Astragalus. There are about 300 species, native to Eurasia and North America. Several species are native to the Arctic. These are hairy perennial plants which produce raceme inflorescences of pink, purple, white, or yellow flowers which are generally pea-like but have distinctive sharply beaked keels. The plant produces legume pods containing the seeds. Selected species:
View Wikipedia Record: Oxytropis


Oxytropis acanthacea (Attributes)
Oxytropis aciphylla (Attributes)
Oxytropis adamsiana (Attributes)
Oxytropis adenophylla (Attributes)
Oxytropis admiranda (Attributes)
Oxytropis adscendens (Attributes)
Oxytropis aellenii (Attributes)
Oxytropis afghanica (Attributes)
Oxytropis ajanensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis albana (Attributes)
Oxytropis alberti-regelii (Attributes)
Oxytropis albiflora (Attributes)
Oxytropis albovillosa (Attributes)
Oxytropis alii (Attributes)
Oxytropis almaatensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis alpestris (Attributes)
Oxytropis alpicola (Attributes)
Oxytropis alpina (Attributes)
Oxytropis altaica (Attributes)
Oxytropis ambigua (Attributes)
Oxytropis amethystea (Attributes)
Oxytropis ammophila (Attributes)
Oxytropis ampullata (Attributes)
Oxytropis anaulgensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis andersii (Attributes)
Oxytropis anertii (Attributes)
Oxytropis anyemaqensis
Oxytropis approximata (Attributes)
Oxytropis arassanica (Attributes)
Oxytropis arbaevae
Oxytropis arbaeviae (Attributes)
Oxytropis arctica (arctic locoweed) (Attributes)
Oxytropis arenae-ripariae (Attributes)
Oxytropis argentata (Attributes)
Oxytropis argyroleuca (Attributes)
Oxytropis armeniaca (Attributes)
Oxytropis arystangalievii (Attributes)
Oxytropis aspera (Attributes)
Oxytropis assiensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis asterocarpa (Attributes)
Oxytropis astragaloides (Attributes)
Oxytropis atbaschi (Attributes)
Oxytropis aucheri (Attributes)
Oxytropis aulieatensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis aurea
Oxytropis auriculata (Attributes)
Oxytropis austrosachalinensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis avis (Attributes)
Oxytropis azerbaijanica
Oxytropis babatagi (Attributes)
Oxytropis baburi (Attributes)
Oxytropis baicalia (Attributes)
Oxytropis baissunensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis bajtulinii (Attributes)
Oxytropis bakhtiarica
Oxytropis baldshuanica (Attributes)
Oxytropis bargusinensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis barkolensis
Oxytropis barkultagi
Oxytropis barunensis
Oxytropis baschkiriensis
Oxytropis baxoiensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis bella (Attributes)
Oxytropis bellii (Attributes)
Oxytropis beringensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis besseyi (red crazyweed) (Attributes)
Oxytropis bicolor (Attributes)
Oxytropis bicornis (Attributes)
Oxytropis biflora (Attributes)
Oxytropis biloba (Attributes)
Oxytropis binaludensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis birirensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis bobrovii (Attributes)
Oxytropis bogdoschanica (Attributes)
Oxytropis boguschi (Attributes)
Oxytropis borealis (boreal locoweed)
Oxytropis borissoviae (Attributes)
Oxytropis bosculensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis brachybotrya
Oxytropis brachycarpa (Attributes)
Oxytropis bracteata (Attributes)
Oxytropis bracteolata (Attributes)
Oxytropis brevicaulis (Attributes)
Oxytropis brevipedunculata (Attributes)
Oxytropis bryophila
Oxytropis bungei (Attributes)
Oxytropis burchan-buddae
Oxytropis burhanbudaica
Oxytropis cabulica (Attributes)
Oxytropis cachemiriana (Attributes)
Oxytropis caerulea
Oxytropis caespitosa (Attributes)
Oxytropis caespitosula (Attributes)
Oxytropis calcareorum (Attributes)
Oxytropis callophylla (Attributes)
Oxytropis calva (Attributes)
Oxytropis campanulata (Attributes)
Oxytropis campestris (northern yellow locoweed) (Attributes)
Oxytropis cana (Attributes)
Oxytropis candicans (Attributes)
Oxytropis candolleorum
Oxytropis canopatula (Attributes)
Oxytropis capusii (Attributes)
Oxytropis carpatica (Attributes)
Oxytropis caudiciramosa
Oxytropis chakassiensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis chantengriensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis charkeviczii (Attributes)
Oxytropis chesneyoides (Attributes)
Oxytropis chiliophylla (Attributes)
Oxytropis chinglingensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis chionobia (Attributes)
Oxytropis chionophylla (Attributes)
Oxytropis chitralensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis chorgossica (Attributes)
Oxytropis chrysocarpa (Attributes)
Oxytropis ciliata (Attributes)
Oxytropis cinerascens (Attributes)
Oxytropis cinerea (Attributes)
Oxytropis coelestis (Attributes)
Oxytropis coerulea (Attributes)
Oxytropis collettii (Attributes)
Oxytropis columbina (Attributes)
Oxytropis compacta
Oxytropis confusa (Attributes)
Oxytropis crassiuscula (Attributes)
Oxytropis cretacea (Attributes)
Oxytropis cuspidata (Attributes)
Oxytropis czapan-daghi (Attributes)
Oxytropis czekanowskii (Attributes)
Oxytropis czerskii (Attributes)
Oxytropis czukotica (Attributes)
Oxytropis danorum (Attributes)
Oxytropis darpirensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis dashtikavarensis
Oxytropis dashtinavarensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis dasypoda (Attributes)
Oxytropis datongensis
Oxytropis davisiae
Oxytropis deflexa (hangpod crazyweed) (Attributes)
Oxytropis dehra-duni
Oxytropis densa (Attributes)
Oxytropis densiflora (Attributes)
Oxytropis diantha (Attributes)
Oxytropis dichroantha (Attributes)
Oxytropis didymophysa (Attributes)
Oxytropis dinarica (Attributes)
Oxytropis diversifolia (Attributes)
Oxytropis dorogostajskyi (Attributes)
Oxytropis dschagastaica
Oxytropis dubia (Attributes)
Oxytropis dumbedanica
Oxytropis duthieana (Attributes)
Oxytropis echidna (Attributes)
Oxytropis eriocarpa (Attributes)
Oxytropis ervicarpa (Attributes)
Oxytropis evenorum (Attributes)
Oxytropis exserta (Attributes)
Oxytropis falcata (Attributes)
Oxytropis farsi (Attributes)
Oxytropis fasciculiflorum (Attributes)
Oxytropis fedtschenkoana (Attributes)
Oxytropis fedtschenkoi
Oxytropis ferganensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis fetida (Drusiger Spitzkiel) (Attributes)
Oxytropis fetisowii
Oxytropis floribunda (Attributes)
Oxytropis foetida
Oxytropis fohlenensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis foucaudii (Attributes)
Oxytropis fragilifolia (Attributes)
Oxytropis fragiliphylla
Oxytropis frigida (Attributes)
Oxytropis fruticulosa (Attributes)
Oxytropis fuscescens (Attributes)
Oxytropis gandeensis
Oxytropis ganningensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis gebleri (Attributes)
Oxytropis gebleriana (Attributes)
Oxytropis gerzeensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis gilgitensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis giraldii (Attributes)
Oxytropis glabra (Attributes)
Oxytropis glacialis (Attributes)
Oxytropis glandulosa (Attributes)
Oxytropis glareosa (Attributes)
Oxytropis globiflora (Attributes)
Oxytropis gloriosa (Attributes)
Oxytropis gmelinii (Attributes)
Oxytropis golengolensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis gorbunovii (Attributes)
Oxytropis gorodkovii
Oxytropis graminetorum (Attributes)
Oxytropis grandiflora (Attributes)
Oxytropis griffithii (Attributes)
Oxytropis gubanovii (Attributes)
Oxytropis gueldenstaedtioides (Attributes)
Oxytropis guilanica
Oxytropis guinanensis
Oxytropis guntensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis gymnogyne (Attributes)
Oxytropis gypsophila
Oxytropis hailarensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis halacsyana
Oxytropis halleri (Attributes)
Oxytropis hedgei (Attributes)
Oxytropis helenae (Attributes)
Oxytropis helvetica (Gaudins Spitzkiel) (Attributes)
Oxytropis heratensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis heterophylla (Attributes)
Oxytropis heteropoda (Attributes)
Oxytropis heterotricha (Attributes)
Oxytropis hindukuschensis
Oxytropis hindukushensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis hippolyti (Attributes)
Oxytropis hirsuta (Attributes)
Oxytropis hirsutiuscula (Attributes)
Oxytropis hirta (Attributes)
Oxytropis holanshanensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis huashixiaensis
Oxytropis huddelsonii (Huddelson's locoweed)
Oxytropis hudsonica (Attributes)
Oxytropis humifusa (Attributes)
Oxytropis hybrida
Oxytropis hypoglottoides (Attributes)
Oxytropis hypsophila (Attributes)
Oxytropis hystrix (Attributes)
Oxytropis imbricata (Attributes)
Oxytropis immersa (Attributes)
Oxytropis inaria (Attributes)
Oxytropis incana (Attributes)
Oxytropis incanescens
Oxytropis includens (Attributes)
Oxytropis indensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis indurata
Oxytropis inopinata (Attributes)
Oxytropis inschanica (Attributes)
Oxytropis integripetala (Attributes)
Oxytropis intermedia (Attributes)
Oxytropis interposita (Attributes)
Oxytropis iranica (Attributes)
Oxytropis irbis
Oxytropis ishkashimorum
Oxytropis iskanderica (Attributes)
Oxytropis itoana (Attributes)
Oxytropis jabalambrensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis japonica (Attributes)
Oxytropis javaherdehi
Oxytropis jordalii (Attributes)
Oxytropis jucunda (Attributes)
Oxytropis junatovii
Oxytropis jurtzevii (Attributes)
Oxytropis kalamii
Oxytropis kamelinii (Attributes)
Oxytropis kamtschatica (Attributes)
Oxytropis kansuensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis karataviensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis karavaevii (Attributes)
Oxytropis karjaginii (Attributes)
Oxytropis kasakorum
Oxytropis kaspensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis katangensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis kateninii (Attributes)
Oxytropis kazidanica (Attributes)
Oxytropis ketmenica (Attributes)
Oxytropis khinjahi (Attributes)
Oxytropis klementzii (Attributes)
Oxytropis knjazevii
Oxytropis kobukensis
Oxytropis kodarensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis kokrinensis (Kokrines locoweed) (Attributes)
Oxytropis komei
Oxytropis kopetdagensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis korabensis
Oxytropis kordkoyensis
Oxytropis kossinskyi (Attributes)
Oxytropis kotschyana (Attributes)
Oxytropis kozhuharovii
Oxytropis krylovii (Attributes)
Oxytropis kubanensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis kuchanensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis kuhistanica (Attributes)
Oxytropis kukkonenii (Attributes)
Oxytropis kumaonensis
Oxytropis kumbelica
Oxytropis kunarensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis kunashiriensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis kungurensis
Oxytropis kuramensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis kusnetzovii (Attributes)
Oxytropis kusnezowi
Oxytropis kyziltalensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis ladyginii
Oxytropis lagopus (haresfoot locoweed) (Attributes)
Oxytropis lambertii (Purple Locoweed) (Attributes)
Oxytropis lanata (Attributes)
Oxytropis lanceatifoliola
Oxytropis langshanica
Oxytropis lanuginosa (Attributes)
Oxytropis lapponica (Lapplander Spitzkiel) (Attributes)
Oxytropis larionovii
Oxytropis lasiocarpa (Attributes)
Oxytropis lasiopoda (Attributes)
Oxytropis latialata (Attributes)
Oxytropis latibracteata (Attributes)
Oxytropis lavrenkoi (Attributes)
Oxytropis laxiracemosa (Attributes)
Oxytropis lazica (Attributes)
Oxytropis lehmannii (Attributes)
Oxytropis leptophylla (Attributes)
Oxytropis leptophysa (Attributes)
Oxytropis lessingiana
Oxytropis leucantha
Oxytropis leucocyanea (Attributes)
Oxytropis leucotricha (Attributes)
Oxytropis lhasaensis
Oxytropis liliputa (Attributes)
Oxytropis linczevskii (Attributes)
Oxytropis linearibracteata (Attributes)
Oxytropis lipskyi (Attributes)
Oxytropis lithophila (Attributes)
Oxytropis litoralis
Oxytropis litvinovii
Oxytropis litwinowii (Attributes)
Oxytropis longialata (Attributes)
Oxytropis longibracteata (Attributes)
Oxytropis longirostra (Attributes)
Oxytropis longshanica
Oxytropis lupinoides (Attributes)
Oxytropis lutchensis
Oxytropis luteo-coerulea (Attributes)
Oxytropis luteocaerulea (Attributes)
Oxytropis lydiae (Attributes)
Oxytropis macrobotrys (Attributes)
Oxytropis macrocarpa (Attributes)
Oxytropis macrodonta (Attributes)
Oxytropis macrosema (Attributes)
Oxytropis madiotii
Oxytropis maduoensis
Oxytropis mahneshanensis
Oxytropis maidantalensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis malacophylla (Attributes)
Oxytropis malloryana
Oxytropis maqinensis
Oxytropis marco-poloi (Attributes)
Oxytropis margacea (Attributes)
Oxytropis martjanovii
Oxytropis masarensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis maydelliana (Maydell's oxytrope) (Attributes)
Oxytropis megalantha (Attributes)
Oxytropis megalorrhyncha (Attributes)
Oxytropis meinshausenii
Oxytropis melaleuca (Attributes)
Oxytropis melanocalyx (Attributes)
Oxytropis melanotricha (Attributes)
Oxytropis merkensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis mertensiana (Mertens' oxytrope) (Attributes)
Oxytropis michelsonii (Attributes)
Oxytropis micrantha (Attributes)
Oxytropis microcarpa (Attributes)
Oxytropis microphylla (Attributes)
Oxytropis microsphaera (Attributes)
Oxytropis middendorffii (Attributes)
Oxytropis minjanensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis mixotriche (Attributes)
Oxytropis moellendorffii (Attributes)
Oxytropis mollis (Attributes)
Oxytropis mongolica (Attributes)
Oxytropis monophylla (Attributes)
Oxytropis montana
Oxytropis monticola (Slender Locoweed) (Attributes)
Oxytropis morenarum (Attributes)
Oxytropis mujensis
Oxytropis multiceps (Nuttall's oxytrope) (Attributes)
Oxytropis mumynabadensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis muricata (Zoolon Orgost Ortuus) (Attributes)
Oxytropis myriophylla (Attributes)
Oxytropis nana (Wyoming locoweed) (Attributes)
Oxytropis nanda-devi
Oxytropis neglecta (Pyrenaen- Spitzkiel) (Attributes)
Oxytropis neimonggolica
Oxytropis neorechingeriana
Oxytropis nepalensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis niedzweckiana (Attributes)
Oxytropis nigrescens (blackish oxytrope) (Attributes)
Oxytropis nikolai (Attributes)
Oxytropis nitens (Attributes)
Oxytropis nivea (Attributes)
Oxytropis nuda (Attributes)
Oxytropis nuristanica (Attributes)
Oxytropis nutans (Attributes)
Oxytropis ochotensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis ochrantha (Attributes)
Oxytropis ochrocephala (Attributes)
Oxytropis ochroleuca (Attributes)
Oxytropis ochrolongibracteata
Oxytropis ocrensis
Oxytropis oedistyla
Oxytropis oligantha (Attributes)
Oxytropis oreophila (roundleaf crazyweed) (Attributes)
Oxytropis ornata (Attributes)
Oxytropis oroboides (Attributes)
Oxytropis ovczinnikovii (Attributes)
Oxytropis overinii
Oxytropis owerinii (Attributes)
Oxytropis oxyphylla (Attributes)
Oxytropis oxyphylloides (Attributes)
Oxytropis pakistanica (Attributes)
Oxytropis pallasii (Attributes)
Oxytropis pamiroalajca
Oxytropis panjshinica (Attributes)
Oxytropis panjshirica
Oxytropis parasericeopetala (Attributes)
Oxytropis parryi (Parry's crazyweed) (Attributes)
Oxytropis parvanensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis pauciflora (Attributes)
Oxytropis pavlovii (Attributes)
Oxytropis pellita (Attributes)
Oxytropis penduliflora (Attributes)
Oxytropis pentelica
Oxytropis persica (Attributes)
Oxytropis peschkovae (Attributes)
Oxytropis petraea
Oxytropis physocarpa (Attributes)
Oxytropis piceetorum (Attributes)
Oxytropis pilosa (woolly milkvetch) (Attributes)
Oxytropis pilosissima (Attributes)
Oxytropis platonychia (Attributes)
Oxytropis platysema (Attributes)
Oxytropis podlechii (Attributes)
Oxytropis podocarpa (stalkpod locoweed) (Attributes)
Oxytropis podoloba (Attributes)
Oxytropis poincinsii
Oxytropis polyphylla (Attributes)
Oxytropis poncinsii (Attributes)
Oxytropis ponomarjevii
Oxytropis popoviana (Attributes)
Oxytropis potaninii (Attributes)
Oxytropis prenja (Attributes)
Oxytropis proboscidea
Oxytropis prostrata (Attributes)
Oxytropis protopopovii (Attributes)
Oxytropis proxima (Attributes)
Oxytropis przewalskii (Attributes)
Oxytropis pseudocaerulea
Oxytropis pseudocoerulea
Oxytropis pseudofrigida (Attributes)
Oxytropis pseudoglandulosa (Attributes)
Oxytropis pseudohirsuta
Oxytropis pseudohirsutiuscula (Attributes)
Oxytropis pseudoleptophysa (Attributes)
Oxytropis pseudomyriophylla
Oxytropis pseudomyrophylla
Oxytropis pseudorosea (Attributes)
Oxytropis pseudosuavis
Oxytropis puberula (Attributes)
Oxytropis pulvinoides (Attributes)
Oxytropis pumila (Attributes)
Oxytropis pumilio (Attributes)
Oxytropis purpurea (Attributes)
Oxytropis pusilla (Attributes)
Oxytropis putoranica (Attributes)
Oxytropis qaidamensis
Oxytropis qamdoensis
Oxytropis qilianshanica (Attributes)
Oxytropis qinghaiensis
Oxytropis qingnanensis
Oxytropis qitaiensis
Oxytropis racemosa (Attributes)
Oxytropis ramosissima (Attributes)
Oxytropis rarytkinensis
Oxytropis rautii
Oxytropis rechingeri (Attributes)
Oxytropis recognita (Attributes)
Oxytropis regelii
Oxytropis reniformis
Oxytropis retusa (Attributes)
Oxytropis reverdattoi (Attributes)
Oxytropis revoluta (Attributes)
Oxytropis rhaetica
Oxytropis rhizantha (Attributes)
Oxytropis rhodontha (Attributes)
Oxytropis rhynchophysa (Attributes)
Oxytropis ribumoo
Oxytropis rosea (Attributes)
Oxytropis roseiformis (Attributes)
Oxytropis rostrata (Attributes)
Oxytropis rubriargillosa (Attributes)
Oxytropis rubricaudex (Attributes)
Oxytropis rudbariensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis ruebsaamenii (Attributes)
Oxytropis rukutamensis
Oxytropis rupifraga (Attributes)
Oxytropis ruthenica (Attributes)
Oxytropis sabzavarensis
Oxytropis sacciformis (Attributes)
Oxytropis sachalinensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis sajanensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis salangensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis salicetorum (Attributes)
Oxytropis salukensis
Oxytropis sanjappae
Oxytropis saperlebulensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis saposhnikovii
Oxytropis sarkandensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis sata-kandaonensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis satpaevii (Attributes)
Oxytropis saurica (Attributes)
Oxytropis savellanica (Attributes)
Oxytropis scabrida (Attributes)
Oxytropis scammaniana (Scamman's oxytrope) (Attributes)
Oxytropis schachimardanica (Attributes)
Oxytropis scheludjakovae (Attributes)
Oxytropis scheludjakoviae
Oxytropis schmorgunoviae (Attributes)
Oxytropis schrenkii (Attributes)
Oxytropis selengensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis semenovii
Oxytropis semenowii (Attributes)
Oxytropis seravschanica (Attributes)
Oxytropis sericea (locoweed) (Attributes)
Oxytropis sericopetala (Attributes)
Oxytropis setifera
Oxytropis setosa (Attributes)
Oxytropis sewardensis
Oxytropis sewerzowii (Attributes)
Oxytropis shahvarica
Oxytropis shanxiensis
Oxytropis shennongjiaensis
Oxytropis shivae
Oxytropis siah-sangi (Attributes)
Oxytropis sibajensis
Oxytropis sichuanica (Attributes)
Oxytropis siegizmundii
Oxytropis sinkiangensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis siomensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis sitaipaiensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis sivehensis
Oxytropis siziwangensis
Oxytropis sobolevskajae
Oxytropis sojakii (Attributes)
Oxytropis songarica
Oxytropis songorica (Attributes)
Oxytropis sordida
Oxytropis spec
Oxytropis spicata (Attributes)
Oxytropis spinifer (Attributes)
Oxytropis splendens (showy crazyweed) (Attributes)
Oxytropis squammulosa (Attributes)
Oxytropis staintoniana (Attributes)
Oxytropis staintonii
Oxytropis stenofoliola (Attributes)
Oxytropis stenophylla (Attributes)
Oxytropis stracheana (Attributes)
Oxytropis stracheyana (Attributes)
Oxytropis strobilacea (Attributes)
Oxytropis stukovii (Attributes)
Oxytropis suavis (Attributes)
Oxytropis subcapitata (Attributes)
Oxytropis submutica (Attributes)
Oxytropis subnutans (Attributes)
Oxytropis subpodoloba (Attributes)
Oxytropis subverticillaris (Attributes)
Oxytropis sulphurea (Attributes)
Oxytropis sumneviczii (Attributes)
Oxytropis suprajenissejensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis surculosa (Attributes)
Oxytropis susamyrensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis susumanica (Attributes)
Oxytropis sutaica (Attributes)
Oxytropis sutakensis
Oxytropis sverdrupii (Attributes)
Oxytropis sylvatica (Attributes)
Oxytropis szovitsii (Attributes)
Oxytropis tachtensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis talassica (Attributes)
Oxytropis taldycola
Oxytropis talgarica (Attributes)
Oxytropis taochensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis tashkurensis
Oxytropis tatarica (Attributes)
Oxytropis tczukotica
Oxytropis tenuirostris (Attributes)
Oxytropis tenuis (Attributes)
Oxytropis tenuissima (Attributes)
Oxytropis terekensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis teres (Attributes)
Oxytropis tianschanica (Attributes)
Oxytropis tichomirovii (Attributes)
Oxytropis tilingii (Attributes)
Oxytropis todomoshiriensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis tomentosa (Attributes)
Oxytropis tomoriensis
Oxytropis tompudae (Attributes)
Oxytropis torrentium (Attributes)
Oxytropis tragacanthoides (Attributes)
Oxytropis trajectorum (Attributes)
Oxytropis transalaica (Attributes)
Oxytropis trichocalycina (Attributes)
Oxytropis trichophora (Attributes)
Oxytropis trichophysa (Attributes)
Oxytropis trichosphaera (Attributes)
Oxytropis triflora (Attributes)
Oxytropis triphylla (Attributes)
Oxytropis tschatkalensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis tschimganica (Attributes)
Oxytropis tschujae (Attributes)
Oxytropis tudanensis
Oxytropis tukemansuensis
Oxytropis tunnellii (Attributes)
Oxytropis turczaninovii (Attributes)
Oxytropis tyttantha (Attributes)
Oxytropis ugamensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis ugamica (Attributes)
Oxytropis ulzijchutagii (Attributes)
Oxytropis uniflora (Attributes)
Oxytropis uralensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis urumovii (Attributes)
Oxytropis uschakovii (Attributes)
Oxytropis vadimii (Attributes)
Oxytropis vakhdzhirii
Oxytropis valerii
Oxytropis varlakovii (Attributes)
Oxytropis vassilczenkoi (Attributes)
Oxytropis vassilievii (Attributes)
Oxytropis vasskovskyi (Attributes)
Oxytropis vavilovii (Attributes)
Oxytropis venosa
Oxytropis vermicularis (Attributes)
Oxytropis verticillata
Oxytropis viae-amicitiae (Attributes)
Oxytropis viridiflava (Attributes)
Oxytropis viscida (Attributes)
Oxytropis volkii (Attributes)
Oxytropis vositensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis vvedenskyi (Attributes)
Oxytropis williamsii (Attributes)
Oxytropis wologdensis
Oxytropis wrangelii (Attributes)
Oxytropis wutaiensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis xidatanensis
Oxytropis xinghaiensis
Oxytropis xinglongshanica (Attributes)
Oxytropis yanchiensis
Oxytropis yekenensis
Oxytropis yunnanensis (Attributes)
Oxytropis zadoiensis
Oxytropis zaprjagaevae (Attributes)
Oxytropis zaquensis
Oxytropis zekogensis
Oxytropis zemuensis

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0