Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Fabales > Fabaceae > Bauhinia

Bauhinia (bauhinia)


Wikipedia Abstract

Bauhinia /boʊˈhɪniə/ is a genus of more than 500 species of flowering plants in the subfamily Caesalpinioideae of the large flowering plant family Fabaceae, with a pantropical distribution. The genus was named after the Bauhin brothers, Swiss-French botanists.
View Wikipedia Record: Bauhinia


Bauhinia acreana (Attributes)
Bauhinia aculeata (Attributes)
Bauhinia acuminata (Yellow Butterfly Tree) (Attributes)
Bauhinia acuruana (Attributes)
Bauhinia affinis
Bauhinia alabamensis
Bauhinia albicans
Bauhinia amambayensis (Attributes)
Bauhinia amatlana
Bauhinia anatomica (Attributes)
Bauhinia andax
Bauhinia andrieuxii (Attributes)
Bauhinia ankarafantsikae (Attributes)
Bauhinia anomala (Attributes)
Bauhinia arborea
Bauhinia argentinensis (Attributes)
Bauhinia arleneae
Bauhinia armata (Attributes)
Bauhinia augusti (Vulnerable)
Bauhinia aurantiaca (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Bauhinia aureopunctata (Attributes)
Bauhinia ayabacensis
Bauhinia bartlettii (Endangered)
Bauhinia bauhinioides (Attributes)
Bauhinia beguinotii (Attributes)
Bauhinia bicolor (Attributes)
Bauhinia blakeana (Blake's bauhinia) (Attributes)
Bauhinia bohniana (Attributes)
Bauhinia bombaciflora (Attributes)
Bauhinia bowkeri (Kei Neat's Foot) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Bauhinia brachycalyx (Attributes)
Bauhinia brachycarpa (Attributes)
Bauhinia brevicalyx (Endangered) (Attributes)
Bauhinia brevipes (Attributes)
Bauhinia bryoniflora
Bauhinia burchellii (Attributes)
Bauhinia burrowsii (Endangered)
Bauhinia buscalionii (Attributes)
Bauhinia calliandroides (Attributes)
Bauhinia caloneura (Attributes)
Bauhinia calycina (Attributes)
Bauhinia campestris (Attributes)
Bauhinia candelabriformis (Attributes)
Bauhinia capuronii (Attributes)
Bauhinia catingae (Attributes)
Bauhinia chalcophylla (Attributes)
Bauhinia chamioni <Unverified Name>
Bauhinia championiae
Bauhinia chapulhuacania (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Bauhinia cheilantha (Attributes)
Bauhinia cinnamomea (Attributes)
Bauhinia claviflora
Bauhinia coclensis
Bauhinia conceptionis
Bauhinia concinna
Bauhinia conwayi (Attributes)
Bauhinia cookii (Attributes)
Bauhinia corifolia
Bauhinia corniculata (Attributes)
Bauhinia coulteri (Attributes)
Bauhinia cretacea
Bauhinia crocea
Bauhinia cupulata (Attributes)
Bauhinia curvula (Attributes)
Bauhinia darainensis
Bauhinia decandra (Endangered) (Attributes)
Bauhinia decora
Bauhinia deserti
Bauhinia didyma (Attributes)
Bauhinia dimorphophylla (Attributes)
Bauhinia dioscoreifolia (Attributes)
Bauhinia dipetala (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Bauhinia diphylla (Attributes)
Bauhinia diptera
Bauhinia divaricata (Pata De Vaca) (Attributes)
Bauhinia dobbierum
Bauhinia dubia (Attributes)
Bauhinia dumosa (Attributes)
Bauhinia eilertsii (Attributes)
Bauhinia ellenbeckii (Attributes)
Bauhinia erythrocalyx (Attributes)
Bauhinia esmeraldasensis
Bauhinia estrellensis (Attributes)
Bauhinia eucosma (Attributes)
Bauhinia euryantha
Bauhinia exellii (Attributes)
Bauhinia eximia
Bauhinia farec
Bauhinia farek (Attributes)
Bauhinia flagelliflora (Endangered) (Attributes)
Bauhinia floribunda (Attributes)
Bauhinia foraminifer (Attributes)
Bauhinia forficata (cow's-foot) (Attributes)
Bauhinia fryxellii (Attributes)
Bauhinia funchiana
Bauhinia fusconervis (Attributes)
Bauhinia galpinii (African plume) (Attributes)
Bauhinia gardneri (Attributes)
Bauhinia geniculata
Bauhinia gigantea
Bauhinia gilesii (Attributes)
Bauhinia glauca (Attributes)
Bauhinia glaziouvii
Bauhinia glaziovii (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Bauhinia godefroyi (Attributes)
Bauhinia goyazensis (Attributes)
Bauhinia grandidieri (Attributes)
Bauhinia grandifolia (Attributes)
Bauhinia grevei (Attributes)
Bauhinia gypsicola (Endangered) (Attributes)
Bauhinia hagenbeckii (Attributes)
Bauhinia hainanensis (Attributes)
Bauhinia haughtii (Endangered) (Attributes)
Bauhinia hildebrandtii (Attributes)
Bauhinia hirsuta (Attributes)
Bauhinia holophylla
Bauhinia holzei
Bauhinia hostmanniana
Bauhinia humilis (Attributes)
Bauhinia hybr
Bauhinia indica
Bauhinia integerrima (Attributes)
Bauhinia involucrans (Attributes)
Bauhinia isopetala
Bauhinia jenningsii (Attributes)
Bauhinia jucunda (Attributes)
Bauhinia kalantha (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Bauhinia kleiniana (Attributes)
Bauhinia leptantha (Attributes)
Bauhinia leucantha (Attributes)
Bauhinia longicuspis (Attributes)
Bauhinia longifolia (Attributes)
Bauhinia longipedicellata (Attributes)
Bauhinia longiracemosa
Bauhinia longiseta (Attributes)
Bauhinia lorantha (Attributes)
Bauhinia lucida
Bauhinia lunarioides (Texasplume)
Bauhinia macrantha (Wild Coffee Bean)
Bauhinia macranthera (Texasplume) (Attributes)
Bauhinia madagascariensis (Attributes)
Bauhinia maglesia
Bauhinia malacotricha (Attributes)
Bauhinia malacotrichoides (Attributes)
Bauhinia malmeana
Bauhinia marginata (Attributes)
Bauhinia marylandica
Bauhinia megacarpa
Bauhinia melastomatoidea
Bauhinia membranacea (Attributes)
Bauhinia mendoncae (Attributes)
Bauhinia miriamae
Bauhinia mollis (Attributes)
Bauhinia mombassae (Endangered) (Attributes)
Bauhinia monandra (Pink Butterfly Tree) (Attributes)
Bauhinia moningerae
Bauhinia morondavensis (Attributes)
Bauhinia multinervia (petite flamboyant bauhinia) (Attributes)
Bauhinia natalensis (Attributes)
Bauhinia nepalensis
Bauhinia ombrophila (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Bauhinia ovata (Attributes)
Bauhinia oxysepala (Attributes)
Bauhinia pansamalana (Attributes)
Bauhinia parkinsonii
Bauhinia parviloba
Bauhinia pauletia (railroadfence) (Attributes)
Bauhinia pentandra (Attributes)
Bauhinia pervilleana (Endangered) (Attributes)
Bauhinia pes-caprae (Endangered) (Attributes)
Bauhinia petersiana (wild coffee-bean) (Attributes)
Bauhinia petiolata (Attributes)
Bauhinia phoenicea (Attributes)
Bauhinia pichinchensis (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Bauhinia picta (Attributes)
Bauhinia pinheiroi (Attributes)
Bauhinia pinnata
Bauhinia piresii
Bauhinia platypetala (Attributes)
Bauhinia platyphylla (Attributes)
Bauhinia podopetala (Attributes)
Bauhinia pottsii (Attributes)
Bauhinia prainiana (Attributes)
Bauhinia pringlei (Attributes)
Bauhinia proboscidea (Vulnerable)
Bauhinia pseudocotyledon
Bauhinia pulchella (Attributes)
Bauhinia purniyagiriensis
Bauhinia purpurea (Purple Butterfly Tree) (Attributes)
Bauhinia racemosa (Mayila) (Attributes)
Bauhinia ramirezii (Endangered)
Bauhinia ramosissima (Attributes)
Bauhinia ramthiensis
Bauhinia retifolia (Endangered)
Bauhinia richardiana (Attributes)
Bauhinia ripleyensis
Bauhinia rubeleruziana (Attributes)
Bauhinia rufa (Attributes)
Bauhinia rufescens (Attributes)
Bauhinia saccocalyx (Attributes)
Bauhinia saksuwaniae
Bauhinia seleriana (Attributes)
Bauhinia seminarioi (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Bauhinia siwalika
Bauhinia smilacifolia (Attributes)
Bauhinia stenantha (Endangered) (Attributes)
Bauhinia stenoscypha
Bauhinia subclavata (Attributes)
Bauhinia subrotundifolia (Attributes)
Bauhinia taitensis (Attributes)
Bauhinia tarapotensis (Attributes)
Bauhinia tenella (Attributes)
Bauhinia thailandica
Bauhinia thompsonii
Bauhinia timoriana
Bauhinia timoriensis
Bauhinia tomentosa (St. Thomas tree) (Attributes)
Bauhinia tuichiensis
Bauhinia uberlandiana (Critically Endangered)
Bauhinia umbriana
Bauhinia ungulata (orchidtree) (Attributes)
Bauhinia urbaniana (Attributes)
Bauhinia uruguayensis (Pata De Vaca) (Attributes)
Bauhinia variegata (butterfly tree) (Attributes)
Bauhinia vespertilio (Attributes)
Bauhinia vespertillo (Attributes)
Bauhinia viridescens (Attributes)
Bauhinia weberbaueri (Attributes)
Bauhinia wenshanensis
Bauhinia wunderlinii
Bauhinia wyomingana
Bauhinia xerophyta (Attributes)

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0