Animalia > Chordata > Aves > Procellariiformes > Procellariidae > Puffinus

Puffinus (shearwaters)

Wikipedia Abstract

Puffinus is a genus of seabirds in the order Procellariiformes. It comprises about 20 small to medium-sized shearwaters. Two other shearwater genera are named: Calonectris, which comprises three or four large shearwaters, and Ardenna with another seven species (formerly often included within Puffinus). The taxonomy of this group is the cause of much debate, and the number of recognised species varies with the source. Many are long-distance migrants, perhaps most spectacularly the sooty and short-tailed shearwaters, which perform migrations of 14,000 km or more each year.
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Procellaria antiqua
Procellaria aquitanica
Puffinus assimilis (Little Shearwater) (Attributes)
Puffinus auricularis (Townsend's Shearwater) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Puffinus bailloni (Tropical Shearwater) (Attributes)
Puffinus bannermani (Bannerman's Shearwater) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Puffinus barnesi
Puffinus baroli (Barolo Shearwater) (Attributes)
Puffinus boydi (Boyd's Shearwater) (Attributes)
Puffinus bryani (Bryan's Shearwater) (Critically Endangered)
Puffinus bulleri (Buller's Shearwater) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Puffinus calhouni
Puffinus carneipes (Flesh-footed Shearwater) (Attributes)
Puffinus creatopus (Pink-footed Shearwater) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Puffinus diatomicus
Puffinus eyermani
Puffinus felthami
Puffinus gavia (Fluttering Shearwater) (Attributes)
Puffinus gravis (Greater Shearwater) (Attributes)
Puffinus griseus (Sooty Shearwater) (Attributes)
Puffinus heinrothi (Heinroth's Shearwater) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Puffinus holei (dune shearwater)
Puffinus huttoni (Hutton's Shearwater) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Puffinus inceptor
Puffinus kanakoffi
Puffinus lherminieri (Audubon's Shearwater) (Attributes)
Puffinus mauretanicus (Balearic Shearwater) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Puffinus micraulax
Puffinus mitchelli
Puffinus myrtae (Rapa Shearwater) (Critically Endangered)
Puffinus nativitatis (Christmas Shearwater) (Attributes)
Puffinus nestori
Puffinus newelli (Newell's Shearwater) (Critically Endangered) (Attributes)
Puffinus opisthomelas (Black-vented Shearwater) (Attributes)
Puffinus pacificoides (Saint Helena shearwater)
Puffinus pacificus (Wedge-tailed Shearwater) (Attributes)
Puffinus parvus
Puffinus persicus (Persian Shearwater) (Attributes)
Puffinus priscus
Puffinus puffinus (Manx Shearwater) (Attributes)
Puffinus spelaeus (Scarlett's shearwater)
Puffinus subalaris (Galapagos Shearwater) (Attributes)
Puffinus tedfordi
Puffinus tenuirostris (Short-tailed Shearwater) (Attributes)
Puffinus yelkouan (Yelkouan Shearwater) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0