Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Malpighiales > Euphorbiaceae > Jatropha

Jatropha (nettlespurge)


Wikipedia Abstract

Jatropha is a genus of flowering plants in the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae. The name is derived from the Greek words ἰατρός (iatros), meaning "physician", and τροφή (trophe), meaning "nutrition", hence the common name physic nut. Another common name is nettlespurge. It contains approximately 170 species of succulent plants, shrubs and trees (some are deciduous, like Jatropha curcas). Most of these are native to the Americas, with 66 species found in the Old World. Plants produce separate male and female flowers. As with many members of the family Euphorbiaceae, Jatropha contains compounds that are highly toxic. Jatropha species have traditionally been used in basketmaking, tanning and dye production. In the 2000s, one species, Jatropha curcas, generated interest as an oil crop for biodies
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Jatropha acanthophylla
Jatropha aceroides
Jatropha aculeatissima
Jatropha aethiopica
Jatropha afrotuberosa
Jatropha alamanii (Vulnerable)
Jatropha andrieuxii (Endangered)
Jatropha angustidens
Jatropha angustifolia
Jatropha arborea
Jatropha aspleniifolia
Jatropha atacorensis
Jatropha augusti
Jatropha australis
Jatropha bartlettii (Endangered)
Jatropha baumii (Attributes)
Jatropha botswanica (Attributes)
Jatropha breviloba
Jatropha brockmanii
Jatropha bullockii (Endangered)
Jatropha calcarea
Jatropha campestris (Attributes)
Jatropha canescens (Arizona nettlespurge) (Attributes)
Jatropha capensis
Jatropha cardiophylla (sangre de cristo) (Attributes)
Jatropha cathartica (Berlandier's nettlespurge) (Attributes)
Jatropha catingae
Jatropha ceballosii
Jatropha chamelensis (Endangered) (Attributes)
Jatropha chevalieri
Jatropha ciliata
Jatropha cinerea (Arizona nettlespurge)
Jatropha clavuligera
Jatropha cleomifolia
Jatropha cluytioides
Jatropha collina
Jatropha confusa
Jatropha contrerasii (Endangered)
Jatropha conzattii (Endangered)
Jatropha cordata (Attributes)
Jatropha costaricensis (Costa Rican jatropha) (Endangered) (Attributes)
Jatropha crinita
Jatropha cuneata (physicnut) (Attributes)
Jatropha curca <Unverified Name>
Jatropha curcas (Barbados nut) (Attributes)
Jatropha curcs <Unverified Name>
Jatropha decipiens
Jatropha decumbens
Jatropha dehganii (Endangered)
Jatropha dhofarica
Jatropha dichtar
Jatropha dioica (leatherstem) (Attributes)
Jatropha dissecta
Jatropha divaricata (Wild Oil Nut) (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Jatropha elbae (Endangered)
Jatropha ellenbeckii
Jatropha elliptica
Jatropha erythropoda (Attributes)
Jatropha euarguta
Jatropha excisa
Jatropha fremontioides
Jatropha gallabatensis
Jatropha galvanii (Endangered)
Jatropha gaumeri (Attributes)
Jatropha giffordiana
Jatropha glandulifera
Jatropha glauca
Jatropha glaucovirens
Jatropha gossypifolia <Unverified Name>
Jatropha gossypiifolia (bellyache bush) (Attributes)
Jatropha grossidentata
Jatropha guaranitica
Jatropha hastifolia
Jatropha hernandiifolia (wild oilnut) (Attributes)
Jatropha heynei
Jatropha hieronymi
Jatropha hieronymii
Jatropha hildebrandtii (Vulnerable)
Jatropha hippocastanifolia
Jatropha hirsuta (Attributes)
Jatropha horizontalis
Jatropha humboldtiana
Jatropha humifusa
Jatropha hypogyna
Jatropha inaequispina
Jatropha integerrima (peregrina) (Attributes)
Jatropha integrrima <Unverified Name>
Jatropha intermedia
Jatropha isabellei
Jatropha jaimejimenezii (Endangered)
Jatropha kamerunica
Jatropha krusei
Jatropha laciniosa
Jatropha lagarinthoides
Jatropha latifolia (Attributes)
Jatropha longibracteata
Jatropha loristipula (Attributes)
Jatropha macrantha
Jatropha macrocarpa
Jatropha macrophylla (Attributes)
Jatropha macrorhiza (ragged nettlespurge) (Attributes)
Jatropha mahafalensis
Jatropha maheshwarii
Jatropha malacophylla (Attributes)
Jatropha marginata
Jatropha marmorata
Jatropha martiusii
Jatropha mcvaughii (Endangered)
Jatropha melanosperma
Jatropha microdonta
Jatropha mirandana (Critically Endangered)
Jatropha miskatensis
Jatropha mollis
Jatropha mollissima
Jatropha moluccana
Jatropha monroi (Attributes)
Jatropha moranii
Jatropha multifida (coralbush) (Attributes)
Jatropha mutabilis
Jatropha nana (Vulnerable)
Jatropha napaeifolia
Jatropha natalensis
Jatropha neopauciflora (Vulnerable)
Jatropha neriifolia
Jatropha nibifolia
Jatropha nogalensis
Jatropha nudicaulis (Endangered)
Jatropha oaxacana
Jatropha obbiadensis
Jatropha oblanceolata
Jatropha orangeana (Attributes)
Jatropha ortegae (Endangered)
Jatropha osteocarpa
Jatropha pachypoda
Jatropha pachyrrhiza (Attributes)
Jatropha paganuccii
Jatropha palmatifida
Jatropha palmatipartita
Jatropha paradoxa
Jatropha pauciflora
Jatropha paviaefolia
Jatropha paxii
Jatropha pedersenii
Jatropha peiranoi
Jatropha pelargoniifolia
Jatropha peltata (Attributes)
Jatropha pendurifolia <Unverified Name>
Jatropha pereziae (Endangered)
Jatropha phillipseae
Jatropha podagrica (goutystalk nettlespurge) (Attributes)
Jatropha prunifolia (Attributes)
Jatropha pseudocurcas
Jatropha purpura
Jatropha purpurea
Jatropha purpureorostata
Jatropha ribifolia
Jatropha riojae (Endangered)
Jatropha rivae
Jatropha robecchii
Jatropha rosea
Jatropha rufescens (Vulnerable)
Jatropha rzedowskii (Vulnerable)
Jatropha scaposa (Attributes)
Jatropha schlechteri (Attributes)
Jatropha schweinfurthii (Attributes)
Jatropha seineri (Attributes)
Jatropha somalensis
Jatropha sotoi-nunyezii (Endangered)
Jatropha spicata (Attributes)
Jatropha spinosa
Jatropha spinosissima
Jatropha standleyi (Vulnerable)
Jatropha stephani (Endangered)
Jatropha stevensii (Endangered)
Jatropha stipulacea
Jatropha stuhlmannii
Jatropha subaequiloba (Vulnerable) (Attributes)
Jatropha sympetala (Vulnerable)
Jatropha tanjorensis
Jatropha tehuantepecana (Endangered)
Jatropha tenuicaulis
Jatropha tertiaria
Jatropha tetracantha
Jatropha tirucalli
Jatropha tlalcozotitlanensis (Endangered)
Jatropha trifida
Jatropha tropaeolifolia
Jatropha tupifolia
Jatropha uncinulata
Jatropha unicostata
Jatropha urens
Jatropha variabilis
Jatropha variegata
Jatropha variifolia (Attributes)
Jatropha velutina (Vulnerable)
Jatropha vernicosa (Vulnerable)
Jatropha villosa
Jatropha weberbaueri
Jatropha websteri
Jatropha weddeliana
Jatropha woodii
Jatropha zeyheri (Attributes)

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0