Notice (8): Trying to access array offset on value of type null [APP/Template/Birdareas/display.ctp, line 2]

Lake Alagol, Lake Ulmagol and Lake Ajigol IBA

Location:Iran, Islamic Republic of
Area:3,805 acres (1,540 hectares)
IBA Criteria:A1, A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2
Website:View website
Climate:View Climate Data
Köppen climate classification:BSh (Climate: arid; Precipitation: steppe; Temperature: hot arid)
Land Use:View Land Use Data


Name IBA Criteria  Website 
Anas strepera (Gadwall)A4i, B1i
Anser erythropus (Lesser White-fronted Goose)A1, A4i
Ardea alba (Great Egret)B1i
Aythya fuligula (Tufted Duck)A4i, B1i
Chroicocephalus ridibundus (Common Black-headed Gull)A4i, B1i
Fulica atra (Eurasian Coot)A4i, B1i
Haliaeetus albicilla (White-tailed Eagle)A1, B2
Himantopus himantopus (Black-winged Stilt)B1i
Larus cachinnans (Yellow-legged Gull)B1i
Larus canus (Mew Gull)B1i
Oxyura leucocephala (White-headed Duck)A1

Important Bird Area provided by BirdLife International (2010) Important Bird Areas. Downloaded from on 29/12/2010
Köppen climate classification provided by Kottek, M., J. Grieser, C. Beck, B. Rudolf, and F. Rubel, 2006: World Map of Köppen-Geiger Climate Classification updated. Meteorol. Z., 15, 259-263