Diet Overlap

Lyrurus tetrix (Eurasian Black Grouse)
Cerapteryx graminis (antler moth)

Common Diet

Eriophorum vaginatum (tussock cottongrass)
Juncus squarrosus (mosquito rush)

Common Habitat

Black Wood of Rannoch
Glen Tanar
Moor House – Upper Teesdale
North Pennine Moors
Strathglass Complex
Tulach Hill and Glen Fender Meadows

Attributes / relations provided by
1Starling-Westerberg, A. N. N. E. (2001). The habitat use and diet of black grouse Tetrao tetrix in the Pennine hills of northern England. Bird Study, 48(1), 76-89.
2Biological Records Centre Database of Insects and their Food Plants