Diet Overlap

Callithrix aurita (white-eared marmoset)
Pteroglossus bailloni (Saffron toucanet)

Common Diet

Prunus myrtifolia (West Indian cherry)

Common Habitat

Alta ParanĂ¡ Atlantic forests
Atlantic Forest
Serra do Mar coastal forests

Attributes / relations provided by
1Diet of Buffy Tufted-Eared Marmosets (Callithrix aurita) in a Forest Fragment in Southeastern Brazil, Milene M. Martins and Eleonore Z. F. Setz, International Journal of Primatology, Vol. 21, No. 3, 2000, pp. 467-476
2Frugivory by Toucans (Ramphastidae) at Two Altitudes in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, Mauro Galetti, Rudi Laps and Marco A. Pizo, BIOTROPICA 32(4b): 842-850 (2000)