Diet Overlap

Turdus pelios (African Thrush)
Treron calvus (African Green Pigeon)

Common Diet

Bridelia micrantha (Coastal Golden-leaf)

Common Habitat

Albertine Rift montane forests
Angolan Miombo woodlands
Angolan montane forest-grassland mosaic
Angolan Scarp savanna and woodlands
Atlantic Equatorial coastal forests
Cameroonian Highlands forests
Central African mangroves
Central Congolian lowland forests
Central Zambezian Miombo woodlands
Cross-Niger transition forests
Cross-Sanaga-Bioko coastal forests
East African montane forests
East Sudanian savanna
Eastern Afromontane
Eastern Congolian swamp forests
Eastern Guinean forests
Ethiopian montane forests
Ethiopian montane grasslands and woodlands
Gombe National Park
Guinean forest-savanna mosaic
Guinean Forests of West Africa
Guinean montane forests
Horn of Africa
Katavi National Park
Korup National Park
Lake Nakuru National Park
Lamto Reserve
Mandara Plateau mosaic
Mount Cameroon and Bioko montane forests
Niger Delta swamp forests
Nigerian lowland forests
Northeastern Congolian lowland forests
Northern Acacia-Commiphora bushlands and thickets
Northern Congolian forest-savanna mosaic
Northwestern Congolian lowland forests
Parc National de Tai
Rubondo National Park
Somali Acacia-Commiphora bushlands and thickets
Southern Congolian forest-savanna mosaic
Takamanda Forest Reserve
The W Region
Victoria Basin forest-savanna mosaic
West Sudanian savanna
Western Congolian forest-savanna mosaic
Western Congolian swamp forests
Western Guinean lowland forests
Western Zambezian grasslands
Zambezian Baikiaea woodlands
Zambezian Cryptosepalum dry forests
Zambezian flooded grasslands

Attributes / relations provided by
1Specialization and interaction strength in a tropical plant-frugivore network differ among forest strata, Matthias Schleuning, Nico Blüthgen, Martina Flörchinger, Julius Braun, H. Martin Schaefer, and Katrin Böhning-Gaese, Ecology, in press.