Diet Overlap

Sylvia atricapilla (Eurasian Blackcap)
Melanchra persicariae (Dot Moth)

Common Diet

Ribes nigrum (European black currant)
Ribes rubrum (cultivated currant)
Sambucus nigra (European black elderberry)

Common Habitat

Dee Estuary/ Aber Dyfrdwy
Limestone Coast of South West Wales/ Arfordir Calchfaen de Orllewin Cymru
Morecambe Bay
Severn Estuary/ Môr Hafren

Attributes / relations provided by
1Farwig, Nina; Schabo, Dana G.; Albrecht, Jörg (2017), Data from: Trait-associated loss of frugivores in fragmented forest does not affect seed removal rates, Dryad, Dataset,
2Biological Records Centre Database of Insects and their Food Plants
3Birds and berries: a study of an ecological interaction. Calton, Great Britain, Snow B.K., Snow D.W., 1988, T & AD Poyser. 268 p.
4HOSTS - a Database of the World's Lepidopteran Hostplants Gaden S. Robinson, Phillip R. Ackery, Ian J. Kitching, George W. Beccaloni AND Luis M. Hernández
5Ecology of Commanster