Diet Overlap

Ramphocelus carbo (Silver-beaked Tanager)
Carollia perspicillata (Seba's short-tailed bat)

Common Diet

Cecropia polystachya (Trumpet tree)

Common Habitat

Alta Paraná Atlantic forests
Apure-Villavicencio dry forests
Araucaria moist forests
Atlantic dry forests
Atlantic Forest
Bahia interior forests
Beni savanna
Bosque Mbaracayú Biosphere Reserve
Campos Rupestres montane savanna
Caqueta moist forests
Caribbean Islands
Chiquitano dry forests
Cordillera La Costa montane forests
Dry Chaco
Estacion Biologica Beni
Guianan Freshwater swamp forests
Guianan Highlands moist forests
Guianan moist forests
Guianan savanna
Gurupa varzea
Humid Chaco
Imataca Forest Reserve
Iquitos varzea
Japurá-Solimoes-Negro moist forests
Juruá-Purus moist forests
Lesser Antillean dry forests
Madeira-Tapajós moist forests
Madidi National Park
Manú National Park
Marajó varzea
Maranhao Babatu forests
Mato Grosso seasonal forests
Monte Alegre varzea
Napo moist forests
Negro-Branco moist forests
Noel Kempff Mercado National Park
Northeastern Brazil restingas
Orinoco Delta swamp forests
Orinoco wetlands
Purus varzea
Purus-Madeira moist forests
Reserva Cuzco Amazonico
Reserva de la Biosfera de Yasuni
Reserve de Biosphere Cerrado
Rio Negro campinarana
Sierra del Divisor Reserve Zone
Solimões-Japurá moist forest
Southwest Amazon moist forests
Tapajós-Xingu moist forests
Tocantins/Pindare moist forests
Trinidad and Tobago moist forests
Tropical Andes
Uatuma-Trombetas moist forests
Ucayali moist forests
Xingu-Tocantins-Araguaia moist forests

Attributes / relations provided by
1The Feeding Ecology of Tanagers and Honeycreepers in Trinidad, Barbara K. Snow and D. W. Snow, The Auk Vol. 88, No. 2 (Apr., 1971), pp. 291-322
2Animals of the Rainforest