Diet Overlap

Baeopogon indicator (Honeyguide Greenbul)
Pycnonotus barbatus (Common Bulbul)

Common Diet

Bridelia micrantha (Coastal Golden-leaf)
Ficus pseudomangifera

Common Habitat

Albertine Rift montane forests
Atlantic Equatorial coastal forests
Cameroonian Highlands forests
Central Congolian lowland forests
Central Zambezian Miombo woodlands
Cross-Niger transition forests
Cross-Sanaga-Bioko coastal forests
East African montane forests
Eastern Afromontane
Eastern Congolian swamp forests
Eastern Guinean forests
Gombe National Park
Guinean forest-savanna mosaic
Guinean Forests of West Africa
Guinean montane forests
Kahuzi-Biéga National Park
Kakamega Forest Reseve
Kibale National Park
Marahoue National Park
Mont Nimba Strict Nature Reserve
Mont Peko National Park
Mount Cameroon and Bioko montane forests
Niger Delta swamp forests
Nigerian lowland forests
Northeastern Congolian lowland forests
Northern Congolian forest-savanna mosaic
Northwestern Congolian lowland forests
Nouabalï-Ndoki National Park
Parc National de la Comoe
Parc National de la Lopé
Parc National de Tai
Reserve de Moukalaba-Dougoua (Gamba Complex)
Reserve des Monts Doudou (Gamba Complex)
Southern Congolian forest-savanna mosaic
Takamanda Forest Reserve
Victoria Basin forest-savanna mosaic
West Sudanian savanna
Western Congolian forest-savanna mosaic
Western Guinean lowland forests

Attributes / relations provided by
1Specialization and interaction strength in a tropical plant-frugivore network differ among forest strata, Matthias Schleuning, Nico Blüthgen, Martina Flörchinger, Julius Braun, H. Martin Schaefer, and Katrin Böhning-Gaese, Ecology, in press.
2"Fig-eating by vertebrate frugivores: a global review", MIKE SHANAHAN, SAMSON SO, STEPHEN G. COMPTON and RICHARD CORLETT, Biol. Rev. (2001), 76, pp. 529–572