Diet Overlap

Pyrrhura molinae (Green-cheeked Parakeet)
Heliomaster squamosus (Stripe-breasted Starthroat)

Common Diet

Handroanthus impetiginosum (Pink Ipê)

Common Habitat


Attributes / relations provided by
1Feeding ecology of the Green-cheeked parakeet (Pyrrhura molinae) in dry forests in western Brazil, Ragusa-Netto, J., Braz. J. Biol., 67(2): 243-249, 2007
2Las-Casas, F.M.G.; Azevedo-Junior, S.M.; Dias-Filho, M.M. 2012. The community of hummingbirds (Aves: Trochilidae) and the assemblage of flowers in a Caatinga vegetation Brazilian Journal of Biology, v.72, p. 51-58