Diet Overlap

Penelope ochrogaster (Chestnut-bellied Guan)
Chrysolampis mosquitus (Ruby-topaz Hummingbird)

Common Diet

Handroanthus impetiginosum (Pink Ipê)

Common Habitat


Attributes / relations provided by
1Conserving Cracids: The most Threatened Family of Birds in the Americas, Edited by Daniel M. Brooks, Miscellaneous Publications of The Houston Museum of Natural Science, Number 6 (2006)
2Las-Casas, F.M.G.; Azevedo-Junior, S.M.; Dias-Filho, M.M. 2012. The community of hummingbirds (Aves: Trochilidae) and the assemblage of flowers in a Caatinga vegetation Brazilian Journal of Biology, v.72, p. 51-58