Diet Overlap

Pionus menstruus (Blue-headed Parrot)
Pionus maximiliani (Scaly-headed Parrot)

Common Diet

Inga edulis (icecreambean)

Common Habitat

Alta Paraná Atlantic forests
Atlantic Forest
Bahia coastal forests
Beni savanna
Central Andean puna
Dry Chaco
Mato Grosso seasonal forests
Noel Kempff Mercado National Park
Pernambuco coastal forests
Tropical Andes

Attributes / relations provided by
1Aguaruna Knowledge of Bird Foraging Ecology: A comparison with scientific data, Kevin Jernigan and Nico Dauphiné, Ethnobotany Research & Applications 6:093-106 (2008)
2Seasonal abundance and feeding ecology of parrots and parakeets in a lowland Atlantic forest of Brazil, Mauro Galetti, Ararajuba 5(2):115-126 (1997)