Diet Overlap

Ceratogymna atrata (Black-casqued Wattled Hornbill)
Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee)

Common Diet

Celtis mildbraedii (Natal White Stinkwood)
Cleistopholis patens
Ficus sansibarica (Knobbly fig)
Maesopsis eminii (umbrella-tree)

Common Habitat

Atlantic Equatorial coastal forests
Cameroonian Highlands forests
Cross-Sanaga-Bioko coastal forests
Eastern Afromontane
Eastern Guinean forests
Guinean Forests of West Africa
Kahuzi-Biéga National Park
Korup National Park
Nigerian lowland forests
Northeastern Congolian lowland forests
Northern Congolian forest-savanna mosaic
Northwestern Congolian lowland forests
Nouabalï-Ndoki National Park
Parc National d'Odzala
Parc National de Tai
Takamanda Forest Reserve
Western Guinean lowland forests

Attributes / relations provided by
1Seed dispersal by Ceratogymna hornbills in the Dja Reserve, Cameroon, KENNETH D. WHITNEY, MARK K. FOGIEL, AARON M. LAMPERTI, KIMBERLY M. HOLBROOK, DONALD J. STAUFFER, BRITTA DENISE HARDESTY, V. THOMAS PARKER and THOMAS B. SMITH, Journal of Tropical Ecology (1998) 14:351–371
2The diet of chimpanzees in the Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda, NICHOLAS E. NEWTON-FISHER, Afr. J. Ecol. 1999, Volume 37, pages 344–354
3Breeding and nest site characteristics of the Black-casqued Hornbill Ceratogymna atrata and White-thighed Hornbill Ceratogymna cylindricus in south-central Cameroon, Donald J Stauffer and Thomas B Smith, Ostrich 2004, 75(3): 79–88
4"Fig-eating by vertebrate frugivores: a global review", MIKE SHANAHAN, SAMSON SO, STEPHEN G. COMPTON and RICHARD CORLETT, Biol. Rev. (2001), 76, pp. 529–572