Diet Overlap

Ramphastos vitellinus (Channel-billed Toucan)
Phibalura flavirostris (Swallow-tailed Cotinga)

Common Diet

Psychotria guianensis

Common Habitat

Atlantic Forest
Bahia interior forests
Itatiaia National Park
Madidi National Park
Serra do Mar coastal forests
Tropical Andes

Attributes / relations provided by
1Frugivory by Toucans (Ramphastidae) at Two Altitudes in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, Mauro Galetti, Rudi Laps and Marco A. Pizo, BIOTROPICA 32(4b): 842-850 (2000)
2Frugivory in cotingas of the Atlantic Forest of southeast Brazil, Marco A. Pizo, Wesley R. Silva, Mauro Galetti, Rudi Laps, Ararajuba 10 (2): 177-185