Diet Overlap

Gadus macrocephalus (Pacific cod)
Balaenoptera edeni (Bryde's whale)

Common Diet

Sardinops sagax (Australian pilchard)

Common Habitat

Pacific, Eastern Central

Attributes / relations provided by
1Diets of the demersal fishes on the shelf off Iwate, northern Japan, T. Fujita, D. Kitagawa, Y. Okuyama, Y. Ishito, T. Inada, Y. Jin, Marine Biology (1995) 123:219-233
2DIET AND FEEDING BEHAVIOR OF FIN AND BRYDE'S WHALES IN THE CENTRAL GULF OF CALIFORNIA, MEXICO, Bernie R. Tershy, Alejandro Acevedo-G., Dawn Breese and Craig S. Strong, Rev. Inv. Cient. Vol. 1, UABCS, 1993