Diet Overlap

Prionace glauca (Tribon blou)
Delphinus delphis (Short-beaked Saddleback Dolphin)

Common Diet

Doryteuthis opalescens (california market squid)
Scomber scombrus (Split)

Common Habitat

Arcipelago delle Eolie - area marina e terrestre
Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
Channel Islands National Park
Farallon National Wildlife Refuge
Morecambe Bay
Pacific, Eastern Central

Attributes / relations provided by
1CephBase - Cephalopod (Octopus, Squid, Cuttlefish and Nautilus) Database
2Habitat Partitioning by Three Species of Dolphins in Santa Monica Bay, California, Maddalena Bearzi, Coastal Environmental Quality Initiative, 07-08-2003
3Food of Northwest Atlantic Fishes and Two Common Species of Squid, Ray E. Bowman, Charles E. Stillwell, William L. Michaels, and Marvin D. Grosslein, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NE-155 (2000)
4Intraspecific dietary variation in the short-beaked common dolphin Delphinus delphis in the Bay of Biscay: importance of fat fish, Laureline Meynier, Claire Pusineri, Jérôme Spitz, M. Begoña Santos, Graham J. Pierce, Vincent Ridoux, MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Vol. 354: 277–287, 2008