Diet Overlap

Dipodomys microps (chisel-toothed kangaroo rat)
Reithrodontomys megalotis (western harvest mouse)

Common Diet

Atriplex confertifolia (shadscale)

Common Habitat

Death Valley National Park
Great Basin montane forests
Great Basin National Park
Great Basin shrub steppe
Lake Mead National Recreation Area
Mojave and Colorado Deserts Biosphere Reserve
Mojave desert
North America
Snake-Columbia shrub steppe
Zion National Park

Attributes / relations provided by
1Dipodomys microps, V. Hayssen, MAMMALIAN SPECIES No. 389, pp. 1-9 (1991)
2Food Habits of Rodents Inhabiting Arid and Semi-arid Ecosystems of Central New Mexico, ANDREW G. HOPE AND ROBERT R. PARMENTER, Special Publication of the Museum of Southwestern Biology, NUMBER 9, pp. 1–75 (2007)