Diet Overlap

Peromyscus maniculatus (deer mouse)
Reithrodontomys fulvescens (fulvous harvest mouse)

Common Diet

Sorghum halepense (aleppo milletgrass)

Common Habitat

Amistad National Recreation Area
Bajío dry forests
Balsas dry forests
Big Bend Biosphere Reserve
Big Thicket Biosphere Reserve
Buffalo National River
Central and Southern mixed grasslands
Central forest-grasslands transition
Central Mexican matorral
Chihuahuan desert
Chiricahua National Monument
Coronado National Monument
East Central Texas forests
George WA Carver National Monument
Hot Springs National Park
Jalisco dry forests
Madrean Pine-Oak Woodlands
Meseta Central matorral
Mississippi lowland forests
North America
Northern Mesoamerican Pacific mangroves
Oaxacan montane forests
Ozark National Scenic Riverways
Piney Woods forests
Reserva de la Biosfera El Cielo
Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra Gorda
Reserva de Mapimi
Saguaro National Park
Sierra Madre de Oaxaca pine-oak forests
Sierra Madre del Sur pine-oak forests
Sierra Madre Occidental pine-oak forests
Sierra Madre Oriental pine-oak forests
Sinaloan dry forests
Sonoran desert
Tamaulipan matorral
Tamaulipan mezquital
Tehuacán Valley matorral
Texas blackland prairies
Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt pine-oak forests
Veracruz moist forests
Veracruz montane forests
Western Gulf Coastal grasslands
Western short grasslands

Attributes / relations provided by
1Food Habits of Peromyscus and Reithrodontomys in the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma, Anthony J. Stancampiano and William Caire, Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 75: 45-49 (1995)