Diet Overlap

Cynomys ludovicianus (black-tailed prairie dog)
Lemmiscus curtatus (sagebrush vole)

Common Diet

Agropyron desertorum (desert wheatgrass)

Common Habitat

Colorado Plateau shrublands
Colorado Rockies forests
Grasslands National Park
Montana Valley and Foothill grasslands
North America
Northern mixed grasslands
Northern short grasslands
South Central Rockies forests
Wyoming Basin shrub steppe

Attributes / relations provided by
1Black-tailed Prairie Dog Food Habits and Forage Relationships in Western South Dakota, DANIEL W. URESK, Journal of Range Management Vol. 37, No. 4, July 1984, p. 325-329
2Lemmiscus curtatus, Lynn E. Carroll and Hugh H. Genoways, Mammalian Species No. 124, pp. 1-6 (1980)