Diet Overlap

Catharus minimus (Grey-cheeked Thrush)
Chiroxiphia linearis (Long-tailed Manakin)

Common Diet

Palicourea acuminata

Common Habitat

Palo Verde National Park

Attributes / relations provided by
1Interspecific synchrony and asynchrony in the fruiting phenologies of congeneric bird-dispersed plants in Panama, Poulin, Brigitte, S. Joseph Wright, Gaetan Lefebvre, and Osvaldo Calderon, Journal of Tropical Ecology 15: 213-227, 1999
2Tropical Fruit-Eating Birds and Their Food Plants: A Survey of a Costa Rican Lower Montane Forest, Nathaniel T. Wheelwright, William A. Haber, K. Greg Murray, Carlos Guindon, Biotropica Vol. 16, No. 3 (Sep., 1984), pp. 173-192