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♦ 1Predation upon small mammals in shrublands and grasslands of southern South America: ecological correlates and presumable consequences, Fabian M. Jaksic, Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 59: 209-221 (1986)
♦ 2Ctenomys talarum, Enrique R. Justo, Luciano J. M. De Santis, and Marta S. Kin, MAMMALIAN SPECIES No. 730, pp. 15 (2003)
♦ 3Population growth and density, diet and breeding success of striated caracaras Phalcoboenus australis on New Island, Falkland Islands, Paulo Catry, Miguel Lecoq, Ian J. Strange, Polar Biology Volume 31, Number 10, 1167-1174
♦ 4Thomomys townsendii, B. J. Verts and Leslie N. Carraway, MAMMALIAN SPECIES No. 719, pp. 16 (2003)
♦ 5Contribution to the study of the diet of four owl species (Aves, Strigiformes) from mainland and island areas of Greece, Haralambos Alivizatos, Vassilis Goutner and Stamatis Zogaris, Belg. J. Zool., 135 (2) : 109-118